Firefoxes FF4 (aka poorman’s polarion? ), It takes 4x18650 and have 3 modes: 24W, 40W and 60W. It throws further than any of my LED lights even at the lowest setting. It has the raw power that LEDs light lack and can run as long as the batteries can take it, heat is insignificant for this beast… But somehow I cannot trust this one enough to take it outdoors without carrying a backup, and I really can’t explain that. :~
Next is the Surefire Hellfighter! Surely not a budget light with a MRSP of $4K, but you’d be surprised how much they sell for now! Without an internal battery, it makes zero sense to own this light if you don’t plan to make a custom battery pack for it, the hellfighter was designed to be mounted on a .50 Cal, run continuously for extended periods, and it can withstand abuse like no other. The whole handle/body is machined from solid aluminium, it’s built like a tank and weights like one as well. It uses a 35W ballast and the throw is amazing with that beautiful smooth reflector.
The battery pack uses hobby-style 5000mAh LiPo in 3S2P configuration and provides 3 hours runtime of 100% flat output. In the back you can see it’s connected via XT60 plugs, so the batteries can be charged while inside the case. I’ve also made a 12V adapter with an compact In-line LiPo charger, so it can work while being charged.
When it comes to practicality it earns a score of 0 out of 5, and 1 with the battery pack installed, this thing is REALLY heavy.
With amber filter on, the multi-AR coating is amazing.
I will try to take some decent beamshots soon, hope you liked it.
Here is my modded 9” Cyclops, it now has a 75W HID conversion and two 7.2AH / 12V SLA cells in it to power it, and shoves a beam a Klilometer away. ( the red tiny thing next to it is my smallest LED light for size comparison.)
The mini HID Jillite EZNITE. 10W HID. Reflector by Polarion.
The Surefire Hellfighter with my very own portable power supply. Battery is a High Discharge Zippy Flightmax 8000 series LiPo 4S2P. The Hellfighter came with a lens cover no filter.
This one is the ultimate. The Polarion Night Reaper CSWL.
Hellfighter on your left. Polarion Night Reaper CSWL on your right.
I bought a large expensive military searchlight that mounts on a tank barrel, built my own mount and mega-powered charging system, then modded a large heavy duty precision motorized pan/tilt to aim it remotely from the helm.
I also converted a pair of the massive Hella Rallye 4000 lights to the same 100 watt HID’s and hid the ballasts behind the font bumper of my truck for ventilation.
Has anyone heard more news about the FF5? I remember there was talk about active cooling, better UI and 8 x 18650. A search didnt turn up any new info. :_(
This looks like its shaping up to be a good thread. I would like to know if any one has taken a lux reading off that Firefoxes FF4?
I had an HID 24W a few years ago but even at the time I was not impressed with the the throw. I did out throw other lights I had at the time, but still was nothing like the hype surrounding it.
That said I would certainly be willing to take another crack at them. Get a 60+ watt and see how it goes
When I was scouring ebay last week for some Short Arc parts I came across a medical 500 Watt (IIRC) Xenon short arc headlamp. Produced a super tight beam like a laser! I really wanted to buy it but it was like $850. Cant seem to find the listing anymore or I would post it up.
That is pretty good for a reflector based light that size.
I was considering one of these also. 100watt with a 9" reflector. I would just cut that cord and make a battery pack for it.
My only concern is with an unknown source if they do watt ratings the same way the do lumen ratings. Maybe its a 100w, maybe its 24w etc.
I agree… you’d be taking a chance that its not 100W and possibly something less. You could message him and ask if its a true 100 watt HID, then mention that the transaction would result in a PP dispute if it wasnt. Its hard to tell from the photos what the bulb is. The 70 & 100 watt version Ive seen have white ceramic bases, and this one appears to be the same.
I own several of the 3A versions. Beyond the visual differences, I dont know if there are other internal differences, so you’d have to do some research and decide if they are right for you.