Simple Question - No Bashing Please - Anyone Heard Anything On Olight I6 From Wallbuys

These I6’s are easily worth $40 shipped in my opinion. And if I did pay that for one I wouldn’t complain at all. I just wished I could a got at least one more. Oh well.

I think they would have trouble keeping them in stock. With the simplicity of the light. It cant be expensive to produce.

I don’t want to sound rude but I’m having a hard time believing that. All 3 of mine have the same tint which, although on the more neutral side of cool white , definitely are cool white. Apparently Crees definition of “neutral” is 5000k (I’d say 4500K :wink: ) which is the popular 3C tint bin, present in the BLF Mini. I’ve taken a beamshot with my compact camera comparing 3 different lights. The colors are a bit exaggerated especially on the BLF Mini (not as yellow) but it serves more as a way of showing the the difference in tint.
From left to right: random MC-E cool white, Olight i6, BLF Mini

According to Cree`s datasheets neutral LEDs are in the range of 4000k-5000k.
4500k is as “neutral” as you get it in other words. It seems like you and Cree (and me) agree on that. :slight_smile:

Based on the picture above I would say cool white for the Olight i6. Might be close to 2B tint, but hard to judge from a picture…

Believe or not. One of them is slightly cooler but they are neutral. As is my BC40 that I have compared it to.


Do you have any lights with 5000K or lower? If so, do you find them to be more neutral? What is you definition of neutral?

Please note that I’m not trying to argue and be rude, it’s just that I can’t describe my lights as neutral and it surprises me that yours are, especially since Olight don’t advertise them as such.

For me the BLF mini was warmer than neutral, the BLF A8 is neutral-warm and my olight i6 is neutral and definitely not so blue like in the picture above

In low mode it gets a bit more green/blue.

Nice to hear that someone agrees with me =)
But yeah, the picture is quite bad but it’s just there to show the difference between the Olight and 3C tint.

If I had known how much I was going to like this light, I would have tried to order more than one. It instantly became one of my most used lights.

I have several lights I actually use and dozens that just collect dust or only get used in a blue moon.

That’s OK, I don’t think you are trying to be rude. As for my definition of neutral, it is when it says neutral on the box :wink:

And just for the record mine does not look anything like yours neither.
