SinkPads copper 20mm and XM-L2 U2 initial results

Just an fyi on all those observations and calculations above, SinkPAD's have real output advantages at higher amps - Match posted the test results and charts for aluminum vs. copper SinkPAD for XM-L2's, and it's quite clear running on copper SinkPAD's boosts output, but the boost ramps up the higher the amps go. What relic38 did, in upgrading a TR3T6, is do the test on a low driven setup where you won't see the biggest advantage of a SinkPAD - he's got 5.6A going to 3 LED's, about 1.9A each, and with U3 1C's, the difference will be neglible. In this setup, there is an advantage os SinkPAD's but only for running cooler, longer. For amps above 2.8A per LED, or better higher still, there are significant advantages in output, and it all makes sense because higher amps, heat sag stars kicking in, but the SinkPAD keeps it cooler, so by the time you hit 5 amps, the SinkPAD XM-L2 is 28% brighter than the XM-L2 on aluminum and still climbing.

Also, the difference between a T6 1A tint (or maybe 0D) and a U3 1C tint is probably not as high as you may think because of the tint differences.

Match's test results: