SinkPads copper 20mm and XM-L2 U2 initial results

This is what I'm seeing:

Crelant 7G9, before, at 3.85A:

- 1057 lumens start, 992 lumens @30 secs, throw: 75 kcd

Crelant 7G9 After, @4.2A (added a 7135, and XM-L2 U2 1C on a 20mm SinkPAD):

- 1264 lumens start, 1248 lumens @30 secs, throw: 121 kcd

HD2010, before w/U3 1C, at 4.09A (KD V2 w/3 350 7135’s added):

- 986 lumens start, 945 lumens @30 secs, throw: 63 kcd

HD2010, after, only change of XM-L2 U2 1C on a SinkPAD:

- 1360 lumens start, 1329 lumens @30 secs, throw: 91 kcd

** All on freshly charged batteries. On the HD 2010, using KK ICR26650E, unprotected

So far, the XM-L2 U2's and SinkPAD combo seem to be outstanding.

Updates 02/10:

XinTD C8, before w/U3 1C at 3.5A Nanjg, stock emitter, stock driver but added 2 350 7135's:

- 986 lumens start, 948 lumens @30 secs, throw: 36 kcd

XinTD C8 after, add 1 7135: 3.85A now, XM-L2 U2 1C on a SinkPAD:

- 1101 lumens start, 1060 lumens @30 secs, throw: 44 kcd (pana 3400 4.16v, 3.4A measured)

SupFire X5, before totally stock w/T6, 2.56A measured:

- 635 lumens start, 612 lumens @30 secs, throw: 24 kcd (fresh Pana 3100)

SupFire X5 after, U3 1C on a SinkPAD, 3.85A Nanjg:

- 1122 lumens start, 1081 lumens @30 secs, throw: 35 kcd (Pana 3400 4.19v, 3.63A measured)

Update 02/18:

LightMalls UF C8 before: KD V2 3.8A, U3 1C emitter, UCL lens:

- 1013 lumens start, 982 lumens @30 secs, throw: 38 kcd (fresh Pana 2900)

LightMalls UF C8 after: custom programmed Nanjg - 3.85A, brass C8 pill (FastTech) w/copper discs, XM-L2 U2 1C on 20mm SinkPAD:

- 1203 lumens @start, 1173 lumens @30 secs, 48 kcd (measured at 4.31 meters, fresh Pana 3400)

Maybe a new C8 single emitter record?

Very nice results

Impressive :slight_smile:

Those are great improvements! Looking forward to working with mine.


Awesome results Tom! Both lights are impressive but who would have thought that the HD 2010 could be such a beast? Wow!

The HD 2010 results are kinda blowing me away, but think I nailed it with tight-fitting a trimmed 20mm star in there, and sanding star and top of pill surfaces all the way to 2500 grit. The HD2010 pill is far from stock, lots of copper added inside, plus a small brass pill, but I didn't touch the pill from the pre-mod. Maybe the SinkPAD though gets some real advantage from this. Oh, also got a UCL/p lens in there, also pre-mod.

Oh, also, I left the SinkPAD indent on the bottom as-is, and used Arctic MX-2 grease rather than epoxy I had before. Filled the indent with grease though.

Just hope others can re-produce these results, hoping I'm not crazy or got it all wrong somehow .

Gotta run - Super bowl party at my daughter and future son-in-laws...

where’d you get your sandpaper assortment? I need to resupply my higher grits and its been a long time since I shopped around

Got the fine stuff from Amazon, direct. Ordered 2 assorted packs, 1000-2500 wet/dry:

Having seen the impact that lapping can have on CPU cooling the results with the 2010 seem to show what can be achieved with elbow grease. I can see now why people were getting excited about these.

Why is the XM-L U3 100 lumens brighter then the XM-L2 U2 even though the U2 has slightly higher amperage?


A bit useless IMHO.

What are the results on 5-10minutes?
Something useable. Unless You plan to use your light under 1 minute?

Tom - where did u find a ucl for the hd2010?

nice, thanks, I also grabbed two of the 320-800 assorted. That should be enough to do the 30 boards sitting here :slight_smile:

It’s not. The XM-L2 U2 is 387 lumens brighter than the XM-L U3. Sure makes my stock HD 2010 look sick. Lol. It ended up 770 lumens otf after 30 seconds and throws about 53k

you are correct, i misread the results
however, why does the post mod hd2010 have 1360 lumen @ 4.09A and the 7G9 have 1264 lumen at 4.2A?

What is a good soldering paste to mount led’s on a copper star? I have destroyed 1 star so far with no luck. :bigsmile:

I’m assuming those are tail current measurements, not current at the emitter, so assuming the measurements are accurate - driver efficiency, and the acceptable deviation of emitter performance (7% range for each bin?)

emitter current, good point, perhaps someone should test emitter current and voltage drops, a table of this would make a great sticky thread