This is what I'm seeing:
Crelant 7G9, before, at 3.85A:
- 1057 lumens start, 992 lumens @30 secs, throw: 75 kcd
Crelant 7G9 After, @4.2A (added a 7135, and XM-L2 U2 1C on a 20mm SinkPAD):
- 1264 lumens start, 1248 lumens @30 secs, throw: 121 kcd
HD2010, before w/U3 1C, at 4.09A (KD V2 w/3 350 7135’s added):
- 986 lumens start, 945 lumens @30 secs, throw: 63 kcd
HD2010, after, only change of XM-L2 U2 1C on a SinkPAD:
- 1360 lumens start, 1329 lumens @30 secs, throw: 91 kcd
** All on freshly charged batteries. On the HD 2010, using KK ICR26650E, unprotected
So far, the XM-L2 U2's and SinkPAD combo seem to be outstanding.
Updates 02/10:
XinTD C8, before w/U3 1C at 3.5A Nanjg, stock emitter, stock driver but added 2 350 7135's:
- 986 lumens start, 948 lumens @30 secs, throw: 36 kcd
XinTD C8 after, add 1 7135: 3.85A now, XM-L2 U2 1C on a SinkPAD:
- 1101 lumens start, 1060 lumens @30 secs, throw: 44 kcd (pana 3400 4.16v, 3.4A measured)
SupFire X5, before totally stock w/T6, 2.56A measured:
- 635 lumens start, 612 lumens @30 secs, throw: 24 kcd (fresh Pana 3100)
SupFire X5 after, U3 1C on a SinkPAD, 3.85A Nanjg:
- 1122 lumens start, 1081 lumens @30 secs, throw: 35 kcd (Pana 3400 4.19v, 3.63A measured)
Update 02/18:
LightMalls UF C8 before: KD V2 3.8A, U3 1C emitter, UCL lens:
- 1013 lumens start, 982 lumens @30 secs, throw: 38 kcd (fresh Pana 2900)
LightMalls UF C8 after: custom programmed Nanjg - 3.85A, brass C8 pill (FastTech) w/copper discs, XM-L2 U2 1C on 20mm SinkPAD:
- 1203 lumens @start, 1173 lumens @30 secs, 48 kcd (measured at 4.31 meters, fresh Pana 3400)
Maybe a new C8 single emitter record?