I have no idea what the lumen levels are on my Convoy M21B with GTFC40, but comparing it to all my other lights, it is WAY brighter than any of them, is pretty floody and even with a not too defined hot spot, yet reaches impressively far.
Typically I will carry two lights. A flooder and a thrower. But when I only want to carry one light, the M21B/GTFC40 is my go to single light that can do everything I need. (Except reach dedicated thrower distances.)
I think I even prefer it to my dual channel Emisar D4SV2 with LH351D/W1. Which was my original solution to carrying one light but still having two beam styles. The UI is just so much faster and inuitive for me to have exactly the light I want on my target with no fuss.
>Regrettably, Convoy lights are not suitable as there is no technical specification available (apparently) for these lights for me to verify light data.
Many of the published specs from the manufactures are false or at least a bit exaggerated. There are a lot of reviews of Convoy lights out on the web and youtube where you could get specifications.
Yeah… I forgot he said that. Even though real world testing by trusted reviewers is much more likely to reflect the true capabilities of the light.
But, OK, I give up. the OP is imposing limitations that will result in him missing some really great lights. But, Hey. It is what it is. His money….
Seems like I'll have to spend more time finding suitable lights myself rather than relying on folks here. It means more time searching light manufacturers light offerings and then finding (where available) reviews of interesting lights.
Anyway, I've found three lights so far which appear to meet my requirements. Neither are Convoy nor Emisar.
I googled the MS03 to get an idea of what you’re looking for so I could suggest some lights which might compete.
I can’t find the specifications you want (beam angle or lux at lower modes) on the Imalent website… where did you find these?
Some questions which might help narrow the field:
1) What do you mean by 50 degree beam angle? is this Full Width at Half Maximum angle or does it include the ‘spill’ of the beam?
2) What do you mean by 30m of throw? ANSI standard uses 0.25lux on target which is generally considered to be quite low. Is this distance just for the center of the beam or do you want the full ‘50 degree beam angle’ to illuminate to 0.25 lux at 30m?
Click the Technical Data tab at the Imalent website for specifications.
Beam Angle refers to the angle defined where the beam luminous intensity (candelas) has fallen off to 50% of its maximum value. Maximum value is along the center line of the beam. You can Google "beam angle" for more details.
Yes, the throw of 30 meters (as a minimum requirement here) allows for the fact that the throw is determined when the Illuminance (Lux) drops down to 0.25 Lux.
Some people seem to know what they are talking about, but others apparently do not fully understand the requirements. Yes, some comments have been helpful and were appreciated.
ansi doesn’t currently and has never gotten into beam angles. Some manufacturers will reference beam angles as to the hotspot and the overall spill. I don’t believe the specs that you seek are published by any manufacturers again because of the way ansi originally drew up criteria. And after the “ansi/plato 2019” most are not playing along. If you find something even remotely close please share. Re Manufacturer specs
The problem is all the nearly mutually exclusive “requirements” that were set forth right from the beginning.
Okay, so you want floody, but also lots of throw. So you’re necessarily talking a HUGE number of lumens to do that.
Floody means all those lemons are going to be spread allllllllllll over a wide area, putting intensity down into the shiiter. To make up for the need for throw, you’ll then need to ramp up all those lemons proportionately.
But it has to be a single cell organism and be small enough to fit into a pocket. Okay, so burst-mode turbo for… what?… 10sec before it turns into a curling-iron and needs to be turned down manually or it turns itself down?
And then, just from a practical matter, if you take all that and magically make it work, to get ¼ lux on the target way way way down there in the blackground, and your foreground will be so blindingly bright that you’ll never even be able to make out what’s down there. Just picture those beamshots in the woods where nearby trees and the foreground are lit up like daytime, but what’s down the hole is still black.
But hey, what do we know?
Just get a zoomie like a Cometa or Z1 and zoom back’n’forth. Best of both worlds…
I posted here to save some time having to do my all own research as there are literally scores of lights available. Others who might have had some experience with suitable lights could save me some time.
I had already researched a number of lights prior to this topic and am still looking at other possible lights.
I use manufacturer specifications as a guide/starting point and then look for associated reviews to confirm performance.
At this time I have one light as a strong contender with a couple of other lights as alternatives.