small sun zy-t13: aspheric xre (200k+ lux!!!) back from the dead!

I’ve done 4 xml2 in the last few weeks. I haven’t added anything after dedoming, and they have been dropped and such without any damage to the phosphor. there’s probably some luck there…but it doesn’t just fall off when you look at it funny like it will w/ mtg2 :wink:

other solvents will probably remove the dome, but who knows what they might do to the phosphor

Acetone based fingernail polish remover might work… walmart.

I don’t use any solvent. I heat up the led and cut it like this A good microscope can help too! :bigsmile: but so far it seems it’s a lot easier to dedome xm-l2 and xp-g2 compere to the old ones.

hi guys! i have a Crelant 7g5v2 and the collimator head! now, reading this interesting post, i’ m curious to buy a Zy-T13 to exploit the collimator because i never use it!
but i would try to put an XM-L2 on t13 and maybe a better driver….but i’m totally inexpert in modding :frowning:
you think it is a good idea?…the mod is simple or not?…thank you

the emitter swap is pretty easy. it just takes two solder joints and add a little thermal adhesive.

the driver swap will be a little more difficult. you could either do a resister mod to boost the output, or you can strip the stock driver and use it as a contact plate for a different driver which would most likely eliminate the side switch

this build has a driver swap and retains the sideswitch.

i said most likely because i figured if anyone wanted to spend that much on a driver, most likely they would have just started with a crelant 7g5cs…
it is possible to retain the side switch function, but worth it for this host? thats up to the end user

I have one of these lights on the way. Hoping the atmospherics I already have will work on the stock head. They’re glass, 97% (maybe 99) transmittance, 59mm outside diameter, 5-90% beam.

Thank you Pulsar, but probably I am not able to do even this simple mod :frowning:
You know if exists a module with a led+driver already combined to replace en bloc?
Would be fine even if it includes all the pill! ….maybe I’m asking too much :bigsmile:

ok so i put an xre ez100 in this, as its all i have right now to play with. and i dont know if i did something wrong last time i measured the lux…

this time measured at 3 meters i got 161,100 lux at 1 meter. measuring at 2 meters i got 149,200 lux at 1 meter

i will take readings again tonight when there isnt as much light pollution (thats what i call the sun :stuck_out_tongue: )

averaged the readings to about 155k lux @ 1 meter

edit: thats almost 2700 lux per dollar into this light. $25 for the zy-t13 from ebay (tmart), $30 for the collimator head from, $2.32 for the xre on 16mm star from

edit again: almost think if i measure further away the lux may go up. tonight i will measure lux from one meter up to 10 meters see if theres a patern

No there is not a module with led and driver for this model.
What would be great is if someone would machine a light engine without side switch. 17mm driver and 20mm star. And also head threads machined to have the crelant head in perfect focus
But that would be kind of a pricey

just got 158,882 lux at 1m, measured at 4m. thats with the stock 2 cell tube

with the crelant 7g2cs tube and one cell… 155,380 lux at 1m, also measured at 4m.

is loosing 3500 lux at one meter worth being a shorty? i think yes

just want to note: at this point it is an xre r2 ez1000 (thats if fasttech correctly listed the bin). also, it is not dedomed and the driver is stock.

edit: also, the ez900 i had in it before was from a cheap ebay romisen rc-c6 aa clone, that was run on li-ion, and basically had no heat sink. so it may have been on its last leg to begin with. that might explain the low lux readings

ah what voltage works the stock driver of T13 with 2 cells?
It’is possible to put an XP-G2 and maintain the stock driver? it would work?
I would like to use it only with the collimator head to have a long laser 8)

Voltage is not your problem, it would work, on the other hand Amperage might fry your LED,
most likely it will not if you heat sink it well but if it does it’s not my fault :smiley:

Totally agree. That’s one bad shorty!

Those figs are with the collimator head?

thank you Sirius! I would maintain the driver because i’m not able to change it….so i could change only the LED to improve the throw :wink: …and than i could maintain the side switch that i like to change modes!

yeah thats with the collimator.
still thinking about trying it with a de domed new gen emitter. got some 20mm noctigons on the way

when i checked amps at the emitter, i got 1.99a with two cells.

you should try 2x 18350 IMR in shorty config

i would if i had some. only thing i have is lifepo4 rcr123a
im constantly on the lookout for a new host for this head. id like one with no side switch and uses a standard size driver. would be great if i could find a host with a 17mm driver, 20mm star, and single 26650 that i could fit this head on… but doubt i will find something

id like to do the resister mod on the stock driver at some point, but the lowest ohm pot i have is 1k. so ill need to order some different ones, but im a slacker