Hi everyone, I’ve really enjoyed reading the forum, first ever post here, looking for some advice as I’m struggling to work it out from reading existing posts.
I recently bought a Convoy S2+ with a luminus SST20, DTP copper plate, ar-coated glass lens, 4000K. I really like the size and build, but the beam is much wider than I’d hoped. I want as narrow a beam as possible pretty much. So, two questions:
1) Is there another light out there I should have bought that would meet my requirements?
2) Are there any straightforward mods I could make to make the S2+ beam much narrower?
Maybe look into something with the Osram W1. I’m unsure if it’s an option for the off the shelf S2. I have one in a Noctigon KR1. It’s about the size of the S2 but with a much fatter head and about 3x the price. The throw seems pretty decent all around for something not in the huge mega thrower class.
A while ago, I used an Osram W2 in a Convoy S2 with smooth reflector. I didn’t put a W1 on it because I was using it in another flashlight.
In this post you can see hoe the beam of the S2 looks like with the Osram W2. I guess that it will be a bit narrower (although not as narrow the beam of the Eagleye X3R in that comparison), but it will not a be a complete “pencil beam” or a “laser beam”, since the reflector is not very large.
A light with W1 and collimator lens will do. I put a W2 into an OTR i3 with stronger driver (basically Mr. B’s mod) and that is already impressive, especially with the high drain Vapcell 16340. Isn’t there something like this with 18650?
Since you didn’t specifiy a budget, the Acebeam L17 is only a little bigger than the S2+, and it’s a light saber. More in the price range (still not the same size) is the Convoy S21A (21700) with an Osram emitter. It’s got a pretty tight beam, but it does have some spill.
ETA: Forgot my favorite small (by my definition) thrower, the Sofirn IF22A. Another 21700, and a bigger head, but it’s pocketable for me, in cargo pockets, anyway.
An SST-20 in an S2+ should have a relatively tight hotspot, even with the orange peel textured reflector, and a little bit better with the smooth reflector available from Convoy.
Based on that, just to make sure we’re viewing the question in the right context, I want to point out that the stock reflector produces a bright central hotspot, plus a wider field of dimmer, but still significant spill light. Maukka’s review of the S2+ has a really good photo illustrating these different parts of the beam, although with an emitter that produces a floodier beam than the SST-20:
A throwier emitter like the SST-20 or even the extremely throwy Osram W2 or W1 makes the hotspot smaller and more intense, but doesn’t really change the spill.
If you want to tighten up the spill, you need a deeper reflector like racoon city suggested. You could also try a TIR lens instead of the stock reflector. Many TIR lenses are able to reduce the spill by directing more of it into the hot spot.
I’ll say one of the most impressive beams I’ve come across lately from a tube light has been one with the yajiamei ‘center sand’ narrow tir with a direct driven Yinding 5050 round flat (de-lensed). Perfect tiny, high lumen thrower. 45kcd IIRC
Surprised LEPs haven’t come up. I personally don’t like Lumintop as a company, and the AntMan is a perfect example why, but if you are feeling lucky, you could try the lottery on that one.
Hum, which TIR will you use?
I’m on a quest to find something like the Manker MC13 uses (not a flat surface but somehow retracted and “frosted” center), but suitable for Convoy flashlights .
Yes, except that you use a smooth reflector OR a TIR, not a combination of both.
If you opt for the Convoy S2, chose the smooth reflector.
If you opt for the Convoy S2+, you can also chose the smooth reflector, or you can buy an extra TIR optic that may produce a narrow beam (~5º), although I am not sure how the beam will look like with the TIR.
I will use the TIR from Simon store in aliexpress, there are different degree, I think all of them are flat in top. You Can always sand them ti frost. Didn’t received It yet, I will post a photo when It arrive