SOFIRN SC31PRO with regulated driver, what else do you want?

Hello, BLFers
This is Barry, long time no see.

HAPPY 2025 to all of you. :partying_face:

Many of you have asked us for a version of the SC31PRO with a buck driver, and we’re thrilled to let you know that we’re finally preparing to make it.
Before we proceed, we want to hear from YOU. Do you want to upgrade it only with a buck driver or are you looking for more? Such as a new led or a new look?

Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we’re committed to making the best product possible.

Feel free to comment below or PM me with your thoughts!
Thanks for your continued support! :raised_hands:

6 Thanks

Buck driver and SFT40 instead of the SST40. If possible, send the short 18350 tube with the flashlight, with matching color, just like it was with the SP40, or at least make them available in all colors so we can purchase them separately.

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Yes, thank you @Barry0892 - this is the exact model I am hoping for - SC31PRO with BUCK constant current driver.

Personally I don’t mind anything else - I like the SC31PRO how it is in looks. Emitter is also fine. This is BLF, we can emitter swap ourselves if needed.

Ditch the SST40 for a SFT40 5000K and find a better reflector, the current reflector causes many rings.

3 Thanks

For me, 5700K XHP50.3 CRI80+ or something like that and a lens with 30+° angle with super even light like the SC29

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Barry said bulk, not boost. According to Digikey 3V XHP50.3 is only available in HD version (hello tint shift) and CRI68. Also the lowest CCT is 5700K but they might want to provide a 5000K option just like with the original SC31pro.
So you’ll have to wait for another flashlight.

Oh, OK, Convoy store has a 3V XHP50.3HI but still only 5700K and 6500K and low CRI.

Assuming still calling it PRO means Anduril2 is still included?

TIR instead of antique reflector technology,
and if perfect, a flood optic( like the flood chanel of HS20…) Or an optional model with flood optic. No colder than 5000k please, or an option for it.

Indeed as mentioned, include the short tube in matching color, and bring back the PURPLE, PLEASE! :smiley: Magnet AND lanyard loop on single matching color caps.

Personally I hate regulated drivers, but with an improvement in size and optics, and a return of colors other than black, and I could suffer through one.

PLEASE NO button change! The large soft rubber switch is much nicer than the current small hard one on so many lights…

3 Thanks

A buck driver and Anduril (with flashing pads) will be amazing!

Emitter: SFT-25R 5000K (not 6500K—too cold and harsh). The SFT40 5000K or 519A are also great options.

Optics: I like that with the Wurkkos FC11C (same dimensions as the SC31PRO), we can use the default reflector or swap it with any of the many 20mm TIRs available from Convoy.

18350 tube: Please keep the same thread size—I really like that I can use different short tubes (including Convoy’s) with the FC11C. Offer them in same colors as the bodies.

Short tailcap: Some people like to use the WK03 tailcap (no magnet) with FC11C to further shorten the body with the 18350 tube. You can offer such tailcap as an accessory.

RGB button: Optional. Anduril can use RGB to indicate the battery voltage. Additionally, we could choose red for the button backlight, as it is less obtrusive at night.

1 Thank

+1 for SFT40 or SFT25R - and 5000K versions, at least as option.
18350 tube included would be nice :+1:
Anduril 2 - of course :grin:

And AR coated glass please

Don’t make it another version of an SR12, but with Anduril.

There are more pocketable lights biased toward throw on the market than ever before to fill that role.

Any new version of the SC31 Pro should retain a balanced beam, stronger in short to medium range.

It should also carry on the tradition it started of being the entry-level gateway to Anduril, meaning it won’t cost more than $25 on sale.

If that means it has to keep the same old looks, that’s fine as well.

Feature bloat.
Losing sight of the product brief.

Keep your focus. (pun intended)

You parent company has already done this before. The FC11C is a improved version of the FC11 that retains its strengths. Not trying to be something different.

Test it before you release it. Cough…SR15. SP35, etc.

Feedback works better if considered before a product is already out of the PVT stage, mostly finalized, and in production.

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Buck Driver, Anduril 2, Short tube, LED STF40 5000K or Nichia 519A 4000 / 5000K. Magnetic tail option.
And please make the lovely purple color available :heart_eyes:

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SST-40 is not a good option. It is worn out and degrading in available binning. Likewise, 519A is weak and overplayed in similar platforms. I would be a player with SFT-40 in a quality TIR reflector, or SFT25R in a well focused smooth reflector. I would
prefer an optional stepped/ linearly smooth ramp firmware. Memory mode set from sideswitch (to include “Turbo”). Double click to turbo. 3 click constant frequency strobe from the tailcap only. Smooth stainless bezel, full recessed tailcap with large circumference forward clicky switch. Recessed side rubber e-switch with Amber status LED, on constant while light is switched “OFF”. Throw in a matching 18350 tube, or thread the components to be interchangeable with existing Sofirn or Wurkkos models of similar diameter.
You’re welcome.

1 Thank

I generally prefer non-magnetic tail caps, but occasionally use magnetic tail caps for some situations and enjoy having the ability to switch between the two types.

Including both types or a “tail cap where the magnet can be easily removed” will keep everyone happy and lead to more sales.

Looking forward to the new and improved SC31 Pro. Thank you.

I’m honestly almost tubelighted out, but a dark purple or midnight blue ano would get me to reconsider.


TIR lens much preferred over a reflector.

Warmer than 5000K.

1 Thank

Yeah, if I’m getting a flashlight for myself, I prefer it to be at least somewhat throwy, so tube lights are generally out.
My family likes tube lights, but I’m not sure if they would be interested in the Sofirn SC31 Pro.
As others have mentioned, ditch the SST40 emitters and use the SFT40 emitters instead. :+1:

If anything, I don’t have any real “need” for more throwers, as I got so many C8 variants it’s not funny, and even more really nice compact throwers like the IF22A, GTmicro, CatMini, etc., that get very little use. Most of what I light up is close-in, so don’t need a thrower. If I’m grubbling around in the attic or basement or even just looking through boxes, using a thrower is like trying to light up shiite with a laser-pointer.

But tubelights are tubelights, and other than variations of the switches, UIs, and emitters, there’s only so much variation you can do.

But an easy-to-modify light like a S2+, I can swap emitter and TIR lenses and get pretty much whatever I want as far as a beam. Wide-angle TIR lens with a 3000K emitter? Done. Narrow-angle with 4500K? Done. Etc.

But if a tubelight is hard to modify (eg, sideswitch, hard to crack open without damage, etc.), it’s pretty much gotta be “perfect” right out of the box. Reflectors usually mean a fried-egg beam, some rings, etc., plus nigh impossible to tweak throwier/floodier.

That’s why whenever I come across a groundbreaker like an HS42, that, I confess, I use pretty much as a right-angle flashlight vs headlamp, I get floored.

But honestly, ask me the differences between the SPs, SCs, FCs, etc., and I’m stumped. I’ve gotten a bunch, been given a bunch, and as good as they might be in this respect or that, they all kinda blend together in my mind.

This one has a sideswitch, that one has side + tail. This one can take a shorty tube, that one can’t. This one has a magnetic tailcap, that one doesn’t. Emitter, lumens, etc.? Fiik.

The one I’m still carrying in my bag is my SP32Av2 in chameleon ano. Ie, the one that looks gray, brown, gold, greenish, champagne, tan, etc., depending on the external lighting. Simple UI, great ramping, great color, only downside is the wiggly button and to be honest a kinda crappy beam (nice overall color but quite fried-eggy).

No idea what emitter it has, but a nice TIR lens would hide a multitude of sins.

Other tubelights have great emitters and a good beam, but only come in Basic Black. <yawn/>

So with tubelights being hard to modify, yeah, as I mentioned, they pretty much gotta be perfect right out of the box, and that’s hard to do.

Still waiting for another light to come out in chameleon ano, though.

2 Thanks

Ironically, the SP32A had a regulated driver (that also took CR123s), and an interesting body color…in 2018. The beam from the XPL2 wasn’t its fault, but Cree’s. The “hold for off” UI has fallen by the wayside, though.

Then Sofirn wandered into the forest of FET lights, and got lost.

The SC31 appeared as the budget entry, had the little SST20 in ugly angry blue, and its chief virtues was that it was simple and cheap. Not remarkable. Giving it Anduril was probably an unintended stroke of genius, or it could have faded into history.

Gotta know where you’ve been to know where you really are now, or want to go.

I got enough hold-for-off lights that it doesn’t bother me.

A TIR lens could’ve given it a perfect beam, vs a reflector.

The OG SC31 was the perfect granny light, though. Hard to hurt yourself, won’t blind anyone or set things on fire, good runtime because of the limited output, simple UI, big honkin’ switch that was easy to find on that little square “platform”, etc. But then it got souped up and became Yet Another “Me Too!” Tubelight like countless others, and lost its identity.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

Please make a SC31T as well! With double switch and the regulated driver! That would make a awesome “tactical light”

Perhaps just offer a tail switch option for the light.
