If anything, I don’t have any real “need” for more throwers, as I got so many C8 variants it’s not funny, and even more really nice compact throwers like the IF22A, GTmicro, CatMini, etc., that get very little use. Most of what I light up is close-in, so don’t need a thrower. If I’m grubbling around in the attic or basement or even just looking through boxes, using a thrower is like trying to light up shiite with a laser-pointer.
But tubelights are tubelights, and other than variations of the switches, UIs, and emitters, there’s only so much variation you can do.
But an easy-to-modify light like a S2+, I can swap emitter and TIR lenses and get pretty much whatever I want as far as a beam. Wide-angle TIR lens with a 3000K emitter? Done. Narrow-angle with 4500K? Done. Etc.
But if a tubelight is hard to modify (eg, sideswitch, hard to crack open without damage, etc.), it’s pretty much gotta be “perfect” right out of the box. Reflectors usually mean a fried-egg beam, some rings, etc., plus nigh impossible to tweak throwier/floodier.
That’s why whenever I come across a groundbreaker like an HS42, that, I confess, I use pretty much as a right-angle flashlight vs headlamp, I get floored.
But honestly, ask me the differences between the SPs, SCs, FCs, etc., and I’m stumped. I’ve gotten a bunch, been given a bunch, and as good as they might be in this respect or that, they all kinda blend together in my mind.
This one has a sideswitch, that one has side + tail. This one can take a shorty tube, that one can’t. This one has a magnetic tailcap, that one doesn’t. Emitter, lumens, etc.? Fiik.
The one I’m still carrying in my bag is my SP32Av2 in chameleon ano. Ie, the one that looks gray, brown, gold, greenish, champagne, tan, etc., depending on the external lighting. Simple UI, great ramping, great color, only downside is the wiggly button and to be honest a kinda crappy beam (nice overall color but quite fried-eggy).
No idea what emitter it has, but a nice TIR lens would hide a multitude of sins.
Other tubelights have great emitters and a good beam, but only come in Basic Black. <yawn/>
So with tubelights being hard to modify, yeah, as I mentioned, they pretty much gotta be perfect right out of the box, and that’s hard to do.
Still waiting for another light to come out in chameleon ano, though.