Sofirn SP10 Pro (AA/14500/Andúril 2) - now available!

I’ve got a number of 14500 & AA lights, but having one of this form factor with Anduril 2… VERY nice. This particular host is a really decent design by Sofirn. Reminds me a little of Jetbeam, but without the price.

Any chance on getting flashing pads onto the driver? Even if they're in a circle or something around the battery contact...

I like the USE_2C_MAX_TURBO for a start but ideally I'd want a few of my own modifications in this light, being able to upgrade the firmware would be ideal

Definitely interested in at least a couple, if I haven’t stated my interest already!

First, thanks to all involved in the effort to make this projet see the “night light” :smiley:
I guess we will all be very pleased to see it happening :wink:

I would like to address something concerning this light. I own SP10A and B, and I really like the design. However, there were some flaws concerning it, which I think that need to be addressed, and one of them is concerning to impact resistance.

I dropped two of my lights from heights inferior to 1m, and both lights died :zipper_mouth_face: I guess the driver design was probably not the best, so a minimum impact of the flashlight would impair it and damage it without recovery.

If the overal design is to be maintained (I am no sure how the driver will look like), I would suggest to be really attentive to that issue and, eventally add some “cushion” inside :wink:

In my opinion, I would also suggest to shorten the light a little bit, using a smaller bezel and reflector (actually a TIR optic would be nice), but about this I will not “beat” you because I know it is difficult due to money constraints and other stuff.
Still, these are my remarks about this light and thanks again for your work :wink:

Thanks for mentioning. I’ll pot mine (if possible) when I get one.

Have you had a look at the driver? Was there something obvious?

Maybe worth to consider: The new driver will be a new design.

Hum, potting the SP10A or B would be a hard to do due to the driver achitecture. :weary:
It is not impossible though (through the holes of the wires with a seringe and needle, or eventually after putting the drive into place, which is more difficult).
I am not sure if the SP10S is the same and if the SP10 Pro will have similar structure, but I’d advise not to.

I can’t remeber exactly, but I guess tha damage was not that much visible, but it was there. Twice. I am not sure if it was something related to the links between the driver’s plates, something with the wires, or if it was related to damage of any component (my bet would be it).

In any case, the head design could be revised for this new light, giving it more resistance. After all, it will be a EDC light, subject to extended use by many users, which means…drops/falls.

The plan is having the flashing pads on the spring side, yes.

USE_2C_MAX_TURBO is in the plan to be included in the SP10 Pro version, stock. It's also the only way I do Anduril 2 builds (I was the one that came up with it, TK incorporated it into the main line source code).

LP's Post #949 here:

Just wanted to spread the good news:

Sofirn is already working on the SP10 Pro driver. Layout schematics are done already and being reviewed by gchart now. Hex-files for Andúril 2 are also being prepared by gchart. MCU will be the new Atmel 1616-MNR, assuming to be calibrated by factory in terms of voltage sensing and thermal regulation.

I want to say thanks to everyone for their ongoing patience and faith in this project. Very special thanks again to gchart and Tom E for their strong commitment and awesome support in making this flashlight come to life.

Great news! :sunglasses:

Any chance of pushing for a proper deep carry clip to come with this? I know it’s only a small thing, but it makes all the difference!

Thank you Lux for being a conntact link and doing the right stuff!

I agree, and these are examples of what I call a proper clip… they use screws, not friction fit:

the screw hole spacing is the same as a McGizmo clip.

Whilst I agree about the screws, I still prefer a deeper clip. The clip that is fitted to the original T10 I consider pretty much perfect, albeit a friction fit. To date it’s never inadvertently come off, and the torch sits really well in a pocket. This clip merged with the captive deep carry clips you can get for the FW3A series (without the two way design) would be perfect.

I agree as well. Maybe something like the clip on the benchmade bugout but longer. If possible that is. The fact that this project has some prototyping in progress already is good enough for me.


This is the SP10A with the FWAA clip, as experience. Me no likes! :frowning: Deep carry would be better :wink:
I normally use those screw in clips that Convoy sells. These SP10X versions are not suitable for that, but maybe a mid-term solution can be found :wink:

Post #1000!

(at the moment.)

I put a clip from a mini bugout on my Ti Tool and it’s the best clip I’ve ever used.

Yes. This is an example of a proper clip profile. COPY THIS. Friction fit is fine, screw on okay, captive preferred.

I find it so damn frustrating how rarely a simple and important design element is botched over and over and over and …

Should be called BLF SP10 Pro then :smiley: .

I second this clip thing from Jared.

Looking forward to the release! Agreed on clips.....deep carry and a captive ring like on the FWxx series sure is nice. I hope it will accept flat top short cells as well as normal button top...some lights lately, especially those with brass buttons instead of a spring on the driver seem to do best with button top cells. Blue is looking attractive but a green would be great to see (I know green is less popular).