Sofirn SP10 V3 Versus Sofirn SP10 Pro

Looking at getting either the Sofirn SP10 V3 or the Sofirn SP10 Pro light.

I was seriously looking at getting the SP10 V3 light, but from some posts here at this forum, it appears that some are/were having heating/shorting issues with the SP10 V3 light. However, these issues were supposedly corrected in later batches of this light(?), especially if this light was ordered direct from China which has the latest batches.

For the SP10 Pro light, as far as I've found so far within this forum, there doesn't appear to be any major issues with this light. Yes?

Because of the issues with the SP10 V3 light, I'm mostly put off purchasing this light, at least for now, until it is fairly certain that (major) issues have been sorted out.

Can anyone with very recent purchases of the SP10 V3 light direct from China confirm that this light no longer has any (major) issues?

Are there any issues with the SP10 Pro light that should be known?

Anyway, any preference for selecting one light model over the other? And why?

Thank you!

1 Thank

I don’t have an SP10v3 and can’t help you with the status on its problems, but regarding the comparison with the SP10 Pro:

The SP10 Pro runs Anduril 2 (probably the best UI if you like having many features) and has flashing pads that make it easy to flash the firmware to try new or customized versions if you have a flashing kit. I think it also has better (lower) moonlight mode. I think the switch on both lights is not great. Otherwise I have several SP10 Pro and no issue with them.

I had two samples of the V3 from the original release, both purchased from Sofirn’s Amazon store that were bad. I have not heard of any similar issues since Sofirn stated they had resolved the problems in subsequent batches. TBH, the V3 was a great light, and if it weren’t for the release of the SP10 PRO, I probably would have taken another chance. At a sale price of $15.XX USD, it’s a no brainer if you’re in the market for a dual fuel pocket light. I just think the PRO version is vastly superior.

SP10v3 v. SP10 Pro

SP10v3 advantages:

  • Considerably brighter on 14500, but dimmer on AA.
  • UI is good, but inferior to that of the SP10 Pro.
  • Possible defects - my first run SP10v3 developed some kind of short in the driver. Result is the light stays warm even when not on and will drain a cell within hours. However, my second run SP10v3 did not experience this and is fine.

SP10 Pro advantages:

  • considerably brighter on AA, but significantly dimmer on 14500.
  • more powerful UI.
  • The driver might be more efficient.

Personally, I think the biggest decision-maker may be how you use the light. If you like a super-bright “pocket-rocket” that will only be used in brief bursts. And if you always run on rechargeable 14500s, then the SP10v3 is probably a better light due to its higher output. However, for everything else the SP10 Pro is better.

I tested the V3 and it’s a great light. Really bright for a 14500 and decent output on a NiMH battery. plus a nice beam (although the SP10S has a better beam in my opinion). Can’t go wrong with either, but if you want higher output and a simpler UI, go V3. If you want A2 and don’t mind a significant brightness deficit, go Pro.

All comments noted thank you!

So it appears the heating/shorting issue with earlier runs of the SP10 V3 lights have now been resolved with the latest batches of this light. That's good news!

So I'm still looking at the specs of both lights (SP10 V3 and SP10 Pro) and reading reviews, where available, to decide which is the better light. Although at this stage I'm favoring the SP10 V3 more, but that could change once I have more information.

The light I'm after would be for general purpose use both indoors and outdoors with a bit of a flood beam rather than a spot oriented beam. The SP10 V3 has a (50%) beam angle of around 34°, and the SP10 Pro light beam angle of 33°. They are practically the same beam angle which is slightly floody, which is what I want.

Only difference is the driver. The SP10 Pro uses Anduril, the SP10 V3 has Sofirn’s own user interface.


I couldn't decide which of the two lights I prefer. So I've ordered one of each!

This. Both lights use the same emitter and reflector. Their beam patterns are identical. Only differences are the driver. The v3 is brighter on 14500.

Can anyone post a picture compares the beam angle of two flashlight?
thank you.

I don’t have a picture, but a picture isn’t needed.

The beam angle of any flashlight is determined by the reflector (for lights using a reflector like these), lens (for aspheric lights) or optic (for lights using TIR optics) used and the choice of emitter.

  • Both the SP10v3 and the SP10 Pro use the exact same host.
  • Both use the exact same reflector.
  • Both use the exact same emitter: LH351D 90 CRI.

This means both lights should have 100% completely IDENTICAL beam patterns. The different reviews you read where different reviewers measured different beam angles are wrong (or at least one of those reviews is wrong).

  • There should be no difference whatsoever between the beam angles of these lights.
  • The only functional difference between the SP10 Pro and the SP10v3 are the drivers (the electronics that control the lights). There are differences between the maximum current either driver can output on different cells. However, this has no effect on the beam pattern, it just means that one light is brighter depending on what type of battery you use.

The beam angles I quoted are based on manufacturers data, specifically the Lumen and Candela figures.

So, if the manufacturers data is incorrect then the calculated beam angles will be incorrect.

Anyway, it appears the beam angle for both lights is between 33° and 34°. This is considered a slightly floody beam.

The pricetags on equipment in specialised laboratory differ at least two digits from the ones we use. Even then, the outcomes are considered to be scientific acceptable if they can be repeated by someone else, and he/she gets the same results. For that you need a litany of additional parameters on equipment, environmental values, et cetera.
For us, mere mortals, an accuracy of 10% would be very good, and of 5% almost too good. I would only consider something to be true if he/she said: A is bigger than B, or D reaches further than C. Mind you: if both values were given by the same person.
At the same time I’m pretty sure that both values would be different if they were supplied by any other person or institution.

Thank you so much for such detail information :heart_eyes:

The driver of sp10pro can fit on the old sp10s host?

I think the host is identical, but I haven’t disassembled it.

well, I would have a version with tir lens