Sofrin Nichia E21A 4000k AAA/10440 and Cr123/Rcr123 flashlights

I should be in for one of each!

there will be a spelling test before the end of this post, there is only one correct answer:

True or True

Sofrin and Sofim are both incorrect ways to spell the name of the flashlight manufacturer SOFIRN.

extra credit reading:
What is the correct spelling for dislexia?

If you're going to criticize someone's spelling, you should spell Dyslexia correctly.


Sofirn tends to make great lights, but my one complaint is they tend to have a lot of extra space in the head - hopefully, if we’re designing something with them, that can be reduced, but probably not if a boost driver is needed.

Interested in 3pc (all AAA)

I really like this 4500K Nichia E21A :wink:

Source: bmengineer’s [Review] Sofirn SP32A V2.0 1x18650, XP-L2, ramping, complete kit

To Jon the slider!

Oh Now you're being smart a**s! Thank you for nothing..

you know you can just say No thank you or just walk away! And please stop post same old pictures of tint comparison you are not helping anyone because tint on screen is something and in real life it's something else!!

And yes we all know that you only have handful of AAA lights maybe no more 10 AAA lights and you keep posting these pictures literally EVERYWHERE!! You should contact NASA and tell them to send your pictures to Mars the only place that still in peace and empty of your pictures and your nonsense!!

I hope this is Enough for U.


The the name " sofrin " will stay as is just the way I like it!

Please add me to the interested list.

For the record this is a relevant and useful beamshot, I personally haven’t seen it anywhere before and I’m not sure why you would catch heat for it???

Because Nichia is a mean person.

Dude chill out

Alot of folks here appreciate Jon for taking the time to post those tint comparisons and he does understand tint on the screen is different than in reality. In fact, he has even wrote education posts on this subject matter. There are plenty of new users signing up to BLF who might not have seen these shots before and will find Jon’s posts very helpful.

Also by mispelling the name of the company, if someone wants to search for this thread in the future when it gets buried, typing the correct name “sofirn” will not find this thread. Anyways, it’s your thread so do what you like.

It wasn’t even him that posted them unless I missed something?

The only mean person I see here is U.

There’s a reason I use that E21A for all my comparisons, but keep in mind that the camera isn’t always true to life and it’s not very fair - the TIR would help smooth out any imperfections in that beam…

That being said, yeah, the XP-L2 is ugly as sin. And thanks for sharing a link to the source!

If anyone here doesn't want one of these or he just too rude or he just don't like me please don't post in this thread and just go away!

This is about flashlights and CRI....etc it has nothing to do with me! please go away

One word is enough. Yes or No that's all

If I only said “yes”, then you would have forgotten about PWM! :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry about the haters. You are hopefully sparking some valuable and actionable interest here. BTW, are you affiliated with Nichia or are you just their #1 fan? When I finally crawled out of my cave last year and got into modern LED flashlights, Nichia made all the difference. Sure, I was impressed by my Lightstar 80 and my Jaxman M2 at 4300K is nice. It was the Nichia 219B in a Massdrop light that made me say “wow”.

I don’t think we’re obligated to not discuss a potential new light, who knows what other great ideas people could come up with? :slight_smile:

@Nichia, do you think Sofirn should make a quad Optisolis AA light?

That would be very nice.

Also, could you please change Sofrin to Sofirn please?
It’s bothering me a bit.

No my friend you are not obligated to not discuss a potential light. You are and any other people who want to discuss these are most welcome as long as we stay focused on the lights and not on me!:-)

some people came here just to insult me for no reason no reason at all!!! And the problem is i don't know why??!!!

And suddenly when I try to defend my self I become a demon???!!!!

I hate this world I never understand how it's work?!!