[Sold] 4. Batch "TA" Bistro/Bistro HD OTSM/Narsil drivers, 46mm for Q8 1S or 2S, Clicky or E-switch, SIR404

I’m up for

(1) 17mm 1S Bistro HD OTSM driver, long spring (not soldered)

Okay I read about it and understand now.

I would like
(2) 17mm Bistro HD OTSM no spring
(2) 17mm Bistro HD OTSM, Zener Mod with LVP

I have tested Bistro HD 2S with LDO and it did not work properly, and 17mm needs another LDO I have only one left

Zener mod only works with normal Bistro

added driver layout for Astrolux MF01

not tested yet

Ok just the (2) normal Bistro ones then.

Also, I am new to building momentary switch lights, but after watching how Narsil works I would like to try it out in a Convoy L6. I would be running two batteries. Could you suggest which options I would need or want? Thank you.

Mainly, what would you like the light to do when the main/rear switch is first turned on (PO)?
A. Nothing (NO)
B. 2 weak blinks (2B)
C. Turbo (T)

Lexel can also set the stepdown temp for you.

I think Narsil M can do both temp monitoring and LVP. Earlier versions could only do one or the other, but not both.

For the L6 you’d want a long spring if your running unprotected cells. It will also be a 2S (2 cells in series) and using the LDO.

I think he can also set what voltage the light turns off at as part of the LVP.

He will send you a PM.

(1) 2S NarsilM LDO 60°C, SD=2.9V, PO=(NO) would be an option with lighted sideswitch
or power on Turbo the tactical option

Sounds good, 2 of the bistro and one of those.

(2) 1S Bistro HD OTSM
(2) 2S TA Bistro, z-mod
(1) 2S NarsilM LDO 60°C, SD=2.9V, PO=(NO), lighted sideswitch resistor

so No Output for the L6 one and resistor for lighted sideswitch presoldered?

Yeah that sounds good but cancel the (2) zmod. Thank you.

Can someone recommend to me where to find a PCB for the momentary switch for an L6 and the clear boot cover. Thank you.

I find the smd resistor for the lighted side switch way too fragile. I tend to use bigger resistors inline in the wire.

The stock L6 switch has LED solder pads already. If you want additional switches you’d probably have to get them from Convoy. The clear switch cover as well. That’s the only place I know that has them.

Thank you very much.

work in progress

My order is in correct. I never got a final confirmation from you.

Lexel can i have one for Convoy L6? but i dont want lighted switch i’ll just use the standard switch.

30mm 2S NarsilM LDO 65°C, SD=6V, PO=(NO), lighted sideswitch 2.2k

can anyone tell me what SD=6V, PO=(NO) means?

By lighted switch he means he adds a resistor to the indicator light pad. It’s no big deal. It’s actually better to use a physically bigger resistor anyway.

The PO=(NO) means when you turn Power On with the rear switch, what happens? 2 blinks (2B), Turbo (T), no output (NO). It looks like (M) moonlight is now an option. The L6 has a forward clicky so you can use the rear switch like normal if you want. I got that option, but I kind of find it annoying now. It’s way easy to just click the side switch to turn the light on and off. About the only real use for the turbo setting is maybe to blink Morse code. Something that needs precise timing. With no lighted side switch you might prefer the 2 weak blinks or moon option. It lets you know the power is on.

When you have a 2S (2 batteries in series) the 6V refers to 6 volts. SD is shut down voltage.

When using the PO=NO can i cycle through the modes and back to “No Output” again if true, that is handy that you can switch the light into standby mode, how about parasitic draw on standby?


No, the turn on option has to be set by Lexel and can not be changed by the user. To change it requires a reflash.

On standby with no lighted side switch the drain is super low, 0.08 milliamp. My 2 leds draw much more at 0.4 milliamp. So drain is not an issue. Should last for years.

sorry i am a bit confused :smiley:
So while the tail switch is closed (driver is powered for the first time) with “PO=NO” option the main led will not power up and pressing the side switch will cycle through the modes as usual but will it go to No Ouput a.k.a stanbby again just like when we switch on the tail switch? or the No Output status only happens when driver is powered for the first time via tail switch?

If you choose the No Output option, then nothing happens when you turn on the tail switch. The driver gets power and stays in the standby mode until you activate the side switch.

Now if you choose the Turbo option, the main led comes on turbo when power is first applied to the driver.

This video shows my L6 with turbo option. See 1:00.

This video shows my Supfire L5-S with the NO option. See 0:40.