[Sold] 4. Batch "TA" Bistro/Bistro HD OTSM/Narsil drivers, 46mm for Q8 1S or 2S, Clicky or E-switch, SIR404

Ok, thanks, Lexel, update for the wires:

Hi Lexel,
Please add me in for:

(1) 17mm Bistro 2S z-diode, short spring soldered with soldering silicon cables that long enough to convoy c8 emitter board.

Thank you very much

without LVP or with calibrated to 2.8-6V?

Today some capacitors and 100 SIR404 FETs arrived

With calibrated to 2.8-6v please.

hey lexel thanks for yo rhelp, if you could make me a driver that is:

Turbo startup

for an L6… i think 30mm.

let me know if i am missing any parameters.

(1) 30mm 2S NarsilM LDO 65°C, SD=6V, PO=(turbo), lighted sideswitch 2.2k
Convoy L6

i am hoping for this functionality:

thank you kindly

yeah thats excactly what you will get with this configuration

List updated, the yellow boxes mean the configuration for the driver is missing

Also if your shipping address is missing please send me a PM with it

image very small; i don’t see my name on that list anywhere.

PM with shipping incoming.

Mine is yellow. But I don’t understand what is missing. I see your spreadsheet doesn’t show that I requested PO=(2B) but you have it listed that way on page one, in your post #3. I don’t want zener or LDO or springs or custom modes. I want NarsilM configured with Thermal and 1S LVP. What else do I need to specify?

Re: my two 30mm……

**both with NarsiM please.
**power ON = (NO) If I understand correctly, when used with a flashlight with a tail cap and an e-switch the light will NOT turn on when the tailcap switch is first turned ON. It will then turn ON when the sideswitch is pressed. If tailcap switch is turned OFF then the light would loose it’s memorized setting?
**both with short & long springs, NOT installed

**Is that all that is needed to know?

$14 + $1.50 (30mm) + $14 + $1.50 (30mm) + 4 x $0.30 = $32.20 + $2 envelope shipping
Is that correct?

Should I send $$ via Paypal now?

Those are really 1S drivers or do you need 2S with LDO?
I think NarsilM looses the last mode when battery voltage gets lost

Single cell, 1S type.

I’m not sure what you mean by “looses the last mode when battery voltage gets lost”

I’ve read the NarsilM reference

Can someone link me somewhere so I can star learning about these things. I have a basic understanding about flashlights but specific things about drivers are obscure to me.

Like with any driver, if you remove the battery or turn it off with a mechanical switch (total loss of power) it is always going to turn on at its default level.

If you turn it off with an electronic switch, but keep battery power flowing through the driver, then it’s going to turn back on at the memorized level. Assuming memory mode is activated.

It’s good to know the different types of drivers - boost, buck, linear, fet, etc… but beyond that things get pretty complicated. Here’s a good thread to start.

If that is what Lexel meant, sorry I didn’t think of that…. I knew it, have a light with e-switch and tailcap switch already. Sometimes I don’t see the oh-so very obvious and look for something more complicated. :person_facepalming: Thank you

It is possible that the driver knows its last on brightness after power loss, I think it was optional in v1.4 not sure never tested

Its a matter if you program it to write the last ramp level in the permanent memory

That sounds kind of neat, but not very useful. Maybe it’s good for when you drop the light and the batteries loose contact. It will stay on the current brightness level instead of turn off or switch to turbo.

I don’t know about Narsil. But clicky switch lights can remember last mode. They have been doing it for years. Switching off total power and even removing the batteries doesn’t have to mean a loss of mode memory.

Lexel - In your list above, you have my driver marked as needing configuration info. What do you need?

the ordered Oshpark driver boards were shipped yesterday

(1) 38.5mm NarsilM 60°C, SD=2.8V, PO=(2B)

picture was not up to date, I uploaded last excel sheet

Thanks! When do we pay?