Sold out! - GBGB: BLF-348 - Classy and Small 1xAAA Stainless Steel light, with Nichia NVSW219B-V1 R9050

Another one blocked from ever sending me messages.

For email as well as here, why the heck do people click “Reply to all” by default?

I wish the BLF community would just stop dealing with GearWorst, but I suppose I shouldn’t complain with this nice emitter in this very affordable light.

Only 4 (so far). I’d put that into the ‘honest mistake’ column.

I’m among those who like GearBest, but being stuck in ‘processing’ on an order is no guarantee of shipment. I can only wonder why some would be ‘locked out’ from placing an order. They’ve always been happy to take my money, shipment or no shipment.

If they keep messing up, I’m sure they’ll slowly lose all of their customers from BLF. Many people, myself mostly included, will continue buying from somewhere until they personally have a bad experience.

But yes, this was a very good deal, as long as everything turns out right (no reason to believe otherwise). I’ve been in this hobby for awhile, and this is the only flashlight I’ve ever bought more than one.

Ordered on 10/27, currently (10/31) still says “Processing”.

What burns me is I paid *EXTRA *for the “direct priority shipping”, which doesn’t seem to have meant anything :(!!

Look at the op. There was written that the ligts are on the way to the warehous. Thats why the did not ship the flashlights.

Oh, I don’t think you wasted your money… you’ll get priority shipping.

It’s just that they don’t have anything yet to ship. According to GB, they should be ready to begin shipping out next week. Sold out! - GBGB: BLF-348 - Classy and Small 1xAAA Stainless Steel light, with Nichia NVSW219B-V1 R9050

All I care is that they arrive before Christmas. I have faith the Gearbest will come through for us. Each time I had a problem they were able to correct it.

If it wasnt for this group buy I would not be ordering from GB. I dont trust GB to ship anything properly or on time. We will see.

New rule suggestion: when you send out a message to multiple people the FIRST THING you should post is: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE! then you follow with the pleasantries :party: Hahahahhah.

Another GB rule suggestion:
If you reply to the GB PM after being asked to not do so.

You are black listed from future GB’s :expressionless:

Until this forum can find a better way to stop this auto reply to all trolling behavior.
Because obviously asking them nicely to not do it is not enough.

If it is hard to implement another forum feature that does not lets this trolling reply PM’S through.
Maybe we could set up a cash bounty or something to help Sb fix it, because i think he has taken outside help before to implement new needed features.

I would be more than happy to pay for this annoyance to stop for good.

Why do you care what other people do?
It’s not like people haven’t heard about some issues gear best has had . Wouldn’t it be nice if they fixed the problems … Instead of just blow up like some other shops have. This could be a nice BLF light if it turns out right . I’m hopeful and I’m betting gear best actually starts getting better and better

Since you ask, I care because I am affected by it. If a customized GroupBuy is operated through a specific seller, then I am obligated to deal with the seller if I want the light.

GearWorst has been getting worse - that’s the point. They are banning more and more buyers who file claims on them when products do not arrive or take 90+ days to arrive. Threads continue to be started and bumped by new buyers who are wondering whether it’s normal for orders to take ~74 days to arrive.

I sleep better because I paid for tracking and insurance. If the package gets sucked down the USPS black hole, I’m covered.

But then they offer 10 deals so good that you can’t refuse like this ,or the O light stuff or killer deals on LMRs . I get it thAt you’d like them to be better or wish to maybe decide not to deal with them ever again but… Why do u want everyone to stop dealing with them ? If I’m having zero issues with them… Do you think I should be telling everyone to buy only from them ???
Everyone should buy only from gear best!!!
This is one of these morallity issues people have when part of them wants something only one vendor has … But they’ve already stated how much they hate the dealer and may have said they will never buy from them ever again.
Then up pops a one of a kind light or a deal too good to pass up and their greed and their lust run into ea ch other… Kind of amusing really because it happens so often here.
Maybe being honest and admiting we’re hypocrites ,lustful,greedy…and flawed is a first step to enlightenment.
Just remember to “Go towards the Light”

I certainly admit that I’m very,lustful,greedy….
Oh, I’m on BLF…… I… guess we’re talking about flashlights. I thought I was someplace else. :zipper_mouth_face: Sorry!

Carry on!



Me too!!!

I said, over two years ago… there will not be another for BG… but…

(Click on image to enlarge)