soldering iron recommendation for simple work

Wow those are ancient history! I bet that electric one still works.

@Rdubya18, the 2nd one would actually work pretty well to solder button tops quickly on 18650 cells, if the tip was replaced of cours.

Yeah it gets quite hot !

It looks like it could repair commutators or field windings like on electric motors, or solder solid copper wires. I saw someone use one similar to that (but bigger) to repair a Lincoln engine drive generator/welder commutator and exciter ring with it. The iron was probably as old as the generator. They don’t make things like they used to.

Yeah , my uncle used to rewind motors & such

The tips don’t really wear out as much as wear down . You just clean and retin and they work .

The X-Tronic solder iron station is a good soldering station for those who experience back pain during soldering work. Such can be the case when it comes to the small circuit board projects that require close concentration.