Some Custom lights - New update 25.07.2015

Love the lights Fritz. Your skills are to be commended. I'm not sure if its my crappy laptop screen but the lights appear to be coated with something giving them a different appearance than the raw aluminium.

Wheres Dale?! Think he’ll wet he’s pants when he sees this! By the way… Absolutely Stunning work Fritz. Im going to PM you around some Optimum Lathe advice. I presume you only do copper and alu? Just dont start to do Ti… Oh my word, Dale begins sleepwalking when he smells Ti threads!

Maybe media blasted?
Satin silver paint?


thank you very much!

First of all I really enjoy reading and seeing your lights. I am already tensely awaiting new developments in your contest topic haha.
To answer your question, I bead blast the lights. I made a cheap device out of an old bowl:


Updates to my contest topic?

I'm in LA and fly out late Saturday night for a non stop sixteen hour flight home. We have been visiting car museums and looking for restrooms where they dont exist. I have week of catching up at home before back to work. If you meen the comp light I will need a lot of help with that due to lack of time.

I hope the weather warms up as we have had 35C weather here and its been below zero at night at home. BURRRR.

I did sand blast one of my lights along time ago and it was not at all harsh to the aluminium like I thought it would be.

Those are really amazing works.

Genius bead blaster!

Measured at 960 KLux/Kcd and 6600 Lumens. Up/down controls the thrower LED right/left controls the floodies.

More Pictures :wink:

from left to right BTU Shocker, Beast, Solarforce S1100, Skyray King Gold

XP-G2 Triple

XP-L Triple



That, is what i call knurling :heart_eyes:


shouldn’t we open a new topic for this thing?


Wow. That beast is a real beast.

All I can say is that is the sex! Incredible stuff guys!

Hi Fritz,

es ist und bleibt Deine Arbeit. Ich bin ja nur ein Impulsgeber und in Teilen Vollender. Wenn Du es separat halten möchtest - gerne, kein Problem. Ich schicke Dir später noch eine PN, ich habe da die ein oder andere Frage zur Lampe.

