Some Custom lights - New update 25.07.2015

You work that lathe of yours like a Stradivarius.

That is a labor of love.

1st post gotta be a WOW!!!

One question fritz. What is your drink of poison. I need some. The work your turning out is stunning. Can you share with us some pictures of the tooling you are using?

Haha, I drink one litre of fuel every day :stuck_out_tongue:
I will upload some :wink:

By the way here is the next light:

The head and the two bodies are made out copper and the bezel is stainless steel.
Also it is the shortest 18650 light with a length of only 89,5 Millimeters. :smiley:
It uses a lux-rc lab l334 board with three Nichias.


Speechless. Does it get any better?

I don't think it could.. could it ? :)

That's master craftsmanship at the highest possible level

The only question I have… Where is the heatsink? :smiley:

Awesome work! Congrats! :beer:

That is beautiful Fritz15 - just pure eye candy right there for us. Thank you for sharing these marvelous builds with us. TY :-)

Nice work!

droooool very nice lights, love the copper!


it’s been a while since I last updated this thread, so here are a few more lights I made.

First an 18650 light which has a side switch and works with a Lux-Rc light engine:

Next there is another 18650 light, which features a 4000k XM-L2 and a two mode driver:

Since you guys are also interested in the tools I am using, here are some more pictures of the lathe which I redid a few months ago (scraping and adjusting the spindle…)

Best regards,

Very fine hand scraping you have done!! Masterful! I still have my first hand scraper that I received at Huller Hille, in Ludwigsburgh, Germany many moons ago!! :wink: Oh and your lights are nice too!!


thanks, did you learn that because of your job? That sounds really interesting. I hardly know anyone who had to learn that on a professional basis.

By the way here is another light:

A tough 18650 light which is a little bit throwy.

Here is a preview on the next light:

I hope you like it!

sincere regards,

I just found this thread, I can’t believe I never saw it before. Very nice! Fritz, do you offer custom service? If so could I conspire with you on a custom build and purchase your expertise?

I’m in total awe of your lights, truly works of art, skill and precision!! Yes we were sent to Germany and trained to build some of the biggest machines for the Diesel Locomotive Industry, where they had to be Box and Dovetail way’s! Each Platen, Keeper and Tapered Gib had to be hand fit and scraped, oil grooved and flaked, by hand. It was grueling precise work, but most satisfying in the end! These machine’s are still running (over 30yrs.) today, they just keep retooling them!

And that lathe is suspiciously clean :wink:

That is awesome work! I want a lathe so bad, then I would have to learn how to use one. I retire in a few years, could always take classes!

Thank you and wow, yes that must have been a lot of work! But the result is very satisfying. By the way, I am scraping the top slide of my old Weiler LZ280 lathe which I am restoring right now.

However, here is another light.
It uses a Supbeam K40 reflector and two 18650 batteries as a power supply.

The parts between the two lights are exchangeable:

I hope you like it.


The Olympic Torch is history .

She was ashamed cause you say toilett plunger.

Now she is short and strong. THX Fritz

We call her now THE BEAST

Regards Xandre