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1.New arrivals— C8A 2 light group and max up to 1747 lumens.
The SF11 looks like it checks a lot of the boxes for £20. Short and Fat, Nice UI with memory, no strobes and well-spaced modes, AA compatibility, European availability.
I’d have preferred it in a more cheerful colour but I can live with the plain black look and I guess it’ll be a bit throwy but diffusers are cheap.
How hot does it get if left stood on high?
And what’s the tint of the LED on the Amazon DE/UK versions? Warm white (~5B) would be nice.
FYI the Sofirn SP31 uses the Cree XP-L2 V6 3D which I measured as nice 4700K. I believe that the SP32 uses the same emitter. This is the same LED being used in the Q8.
SP31 Review (mine):
SP32 Review (dirty_pierre):
XP-L2 V6 3D is a really nice warm color temp and I hope these manufacturers start using it in more lights.
Thanks, just ordered an SP32. Tough to beat a flashlight AND a battery for $18.
edit - is the SF36 on AE no longer on sale?
edit edit - did you intentionally put a limit of one per customer on the SP32? I tried to order three more to give away as gifts but Amazon would not honor the code.
Got my light in from Amazon today fast shipping, but big disappointment!!!
Fresh set of eneloops and it worked okay but a little funny. Switch operated slow… real slow. (some reviews mentioned it) Then it just started acting crazy! Changing modes by itself, indicator light kept changing from red to green to yellow and back again. Pulled the batts out and popped in another fresh set of Eneloops. Same deal! Light was tripping out, changing modes and the switch would barely work. That was enough for me!
Definitely not a reliable light. Back in the box and returning to Amazon.
Yep, I received mine yesterday. It’s having the same issue. Made it through a couple of mode sequences, and then started spazzing out. Actually had to pull the batteries to ensure it wouldn’t turn itself on. I like the light, very bright. Too, bad.
I got my SF11 yesterday and tested it this morning, also had some switch troubles, at first it would turn on to a random mode, then not switch modes or turn off no matter what I did with the switch, had to remove the batteries. The second time it went into strobe and did the same thing until I just started pressing the button like crazy, then it started functioning like normal. Not sure what was up with that, but it seems to work fine now. I am using lithium primary cells (energizer ultimate lithium AA cells).
One thing I do really like, the head on mine was not glued shut, so I can actually get in there for modding. Think I will put in an XP-L HI in warm white.