Strobe on angry dog

Scrolled through the Wikipedia. Saw some mastiff attacks.

I had a Great Pyrenees (similar but not as big, breed was saved from extinction after war with mastiffs). He could just crush bones, big ones.

If one of those is bent on hurting you….yikes.

Until you actually witness their bite force it’s hard to understand.

I don’t think you sound like a dirt bag, actually a highly responsible dog owner. But you mention ‘if they are bred from good bloodlines’ does that mean they come from a breeder who is not breeding for aggression? I just ask as wasn’t the Pitbull originally bred do mame, kill or destroy it’s opponent as quickly as possible?

plenty of dogs other then pits attack,

Yes, I read news reports all the time about children being killed by vicious Dachshunds and Chihuahuas.

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and so on and so on and so on, etc. etc etc. Next! Next! Next! Next!

It's not just the number one most dangerous canine breed. It's not just the number one and second most dangerous canine breeds. It's not just the most and second and third most dangerous canine breeds.

Power breed canines and children are not a good mix. Power breed canines and the elderly are not a good mix. Power breed canines and unarmed people are not a good mix.

Any human being in any type of reasonable proximity to any power breed canine is at unreasonably elevated risk of grave threat, if that human being is not covered by a firearm.

The owner is not the main variable. Training is not the main variable. The main variable is if a human being is in any type of proximity to a power breed canine.

How many times per year do cops have to shoot their best friend off of their arm? The officer has trained that dog for many hours for many months. all of a sudden, tragedy strikes.

When a power breed canine attacks, the police report says it is a tragic accident due to unknown causes. Wrong! It was a recipe for disaster, when the human being was in proximity to a power breed canine. The cause is that the canine revealed its basic, natural predatory behavior.

Six million Americans sing the same old song anew every year: "He was always so friendly, I don't know what could have gotten into him."

Power breed canines kill the baby. The severely maul the infant. They had their photos posing in party hats licking the babys face, and two months later in four tenths of a second, there is three cubic feet of ground dead baby flesh where a happy baby was four tenths of a second ago.

Why? Because people who are motivated to have dangerous predator animal in their family life never learn!

Thank you for the compliment as a highly responsible dog owner, but to answer your question, a true American Pit Bull Terrier owner will NEVER breed dogs for aggression. They breed for gameness, totally different trait from aggression. Actually, I think any aggressive dog should be put down. Some people define “gameness” as a determination to master any situation and never back down out of fear. It was developed in pit bulls by many generations of selective breeding. It is what allows a pit bull to keep trying to accomplish a task, whether it be fighting, weight pulling, agility contest, etc. in spite of broken bones, torn muscles, dehydration, etc. Generally speaking, a game dog is an emotionally stable, easy-going dog, especially good with kids. But, gameness should not be confused with aggressiveness. There are plenty of aggressive dogs that are not game, and there are game pit bulls who are not aggressive toward other types of dogs. Aggressiveness will propel a dog into a fight, but will only sustain him for a few minutes. Gameness will allow a dog to fight, pull, run, etc. until it wins or dies. Gameness is an inner quality of pit bulls. There is no way to tell by looking at a pit bull if it is game or not. The only real test is to compare your dog against another dog in a contest where physical attributes and “willingness to never quit” come into play, I DO NOT mean dog fighting! That is against the law and something I would never subject my dogs to. On the other hand, I have entered my dogs in weight pulling contest and wall climbing contests and was very successful at both. Game dogs represent the truest examples of all the best qualities in the breed. American Pit Bull Terriers are a very unique breed and it takes a very responsible and experienced person to own one and enjoy them to their fullest potential.
I can see how someone who looks at the stats posted in an earlier post can be swayed toward the assumption that all pit bulls are bad dogs and must be put down. But I’m sure if you search around, you can find just as many stories about pit bulls saving people’s lives, or protecting their owners from a deadly threat. I know people are entitled to their own opinion, and that’s fine, but I don’t think it’s right to condemn a whole breed because of bad experiences that they have heard or read about without ever owning one of the dogs themselves. The thing to remember is, punish the deed, not the breed. Should I punish my Border Collie for “herding” all the neighborhood kids into the back yard? I think not, after all, he was bred throughout hundreds of years to “herd.” Honestly, I worry more about my BC nipping at the heels of the kids than I do about one of my pit bulls turning and attacking a kid when they are crawling all over them and pulling their ears or any number of things kids can think of to do to a dog.

Dog thought he was protecting owner. Owner dies from lack of cpr and dog kills person performing cpr. Pit bull attacks, kills man performing CPR o - YouTube

Lots of details in this link:

Dog thought he was protecting owner. Owner dies from lack of cpr and dog kills person performing cpr.

Unno, it sounded like the dog did what she was supposed to do, ie, protect his owner, even if she misinterpreted the actions (didn’t attack until the “revival slaps”).

No real way a dog could tell if someone’s kneeling next to his/her owner and administering CPR (by pushing/beating on his chest) or beating him to death (by pounding on his face).

Our “local” news comes out of Scranton. This evening’s news had a story of a grandmother attacked by 2 pit bulls. She was severely injured and the attack was unprovoked. This happens about 2 –3 times a year in our viewing area and it is mostly pit bulls. This is not a high population area so if this is representative of the whole country, there are a lot of maulings.

[quote=pennzy] Our "local" news comes out of Scranton. This evening's news had a story of a grandmother attacked by 2 pit bulls. She was severely injured and the attack was unprovoked. This happens about 2 -3 times a year in our viewing area and it is mostly pit bulls. This is not a high population area so if this is representative of the whole country, there are a lot of maulings. [/quote]

14,000 admitted into the hospital per year in the USA. That is 38 maulings per day in the USA. More than a few million dog bites per year in this country. About 20,000 bites per day, almost 1,000 bites per hour. 25% of all dog bites result in infection, and we are at the end of the antibiotic era. The average dog bit injury claim/payout is $55,000.00. Official statistics for bites, maulings and trauma reconstructive surgeries and fatalities are extremely under reported. American home owner insurance claims and payouts: Dog bite injury appears near the top of lists of claim/payout classifications provided by various entities.

Approximately 200 dogs per day are shot in self-defense in this country. Approximately one percent of all attack bites are terminated with a firearm. For every 100 attack bites, one attack bite does not occur because the attack was successfully terminated with a firearm. The one percent who shoot the dog in self-defense because they are too extremely afraid to make a living sacrifice of their body and their blood to the Almighty Dog: These people are criminally charged with felony animal cruelty, and neighbors lie to testify that the dog was always friendly.

Local and national news reports a tiny fraction of attack injuries. Police agencies report only some deaths and rarely report injuries. Sunday, July 18, 2021, five new canine attack fatalities were reported by That is 35 days worth. The person who runs the charitable non-profit .org has to file freedom of information requests to thousands of agencies annually in order to bring covered up deaths and traumatic maulings to light.

Infants, newborns, toddlers and very young children are the most victimized by death and traumatic injury from dog attack.The dangerous canine society firmly believes that dogs have the right to make a judgement call on a toddlers character and carry out that judgement by severely mauling that toddler. Same exact thing with a pedestrian. The dog made a valid character judgement call on grandma and butchered her alive on the street.

There is only One reason why any dog attack injury person was injured. Because that person was not covered with a firearm when they were in proximity to a canine.

There is only one reason why that newborn was mauled by a dog. Because that newborn was not covered by a firearm when it was in proximity to a dog.

Animal control agencies receive multiple reports of aggressive dogs at large, and nothing gets done, until someone is butchered alive on the public street.

Cows, mules, donkeys, horses, sheep, goats are prey animals. Dogs are predator animals. Dogs are 100% interfertile with wolves. Their progeny are also fully fertile. Dogs are just a breed variety of wolves.

Canine aggression can Not be trained out of any dog. Can Not. Be. Trained. Out. Period. Police officers have to shoot their canine partner off of their bodies more than a few time annually, and this is rarely reported by news media. The police officer spent countless hours at countless taxpayer dollars bonding with a dangerous, unpredictable predatory attack animal. The animal didn't bond with him, obviously.

Human beings are the only species that forces another dangerous species upon itself.

Power-breed canines are Not suitable as family pets. Not. Not. Not. Suitable. As. Family. Pets.

Animal shelters are overflowing with dangerous breed canines that nobody wants. Try going to a shelter to adopt a Beagle for your child. You will have to wade through oodles of unwanted pitbulls before you see a beagle.

Animal shelters adopt out dogs with known attack bite records, without informing the new owners.

Animal control agencies and animal shelters are getting sued for wilful malicious failure to seize repeat at large aggressive dog, and for wilful malicious failure to inform new owners of attack records. Vicious dogs are returned to the shellter, then drugged with sedatives, then adopted out again.

People who do not worship and serve the Almighty Dog are guilted and shamed into secret, silent shame. People who are naturally afraid of dogs suffer the same fate at the hands of the predatory animal society that we tragically live in.

Millions and millions and millions of smaller, safe for family pet animals and farm animals are mauled by loose pet dangerous canines.

99% of all "strays" are not strays, they are merely pets let out to roam at large. Only 1% of loose dogs are unowned and legally stray.

All points in America do not have a loose dog problem. Instead, all points in America have a loose dog threat.

The grammatical tense of the Boy Scout motto is not dative, genitive, indicative, possessive or interrogative. Instead, the grammatical tense of the Boy Scout motto is imperative. Be Prepared!


.....or be butchered alive.

Ironically, it was a beagle who tried to rip my umm-friend’s face off, and almost succeeded. She leaned over to say goodbye after a visit, the beagle grabbed her lower-face once, and in a split-second readjusted for better grip and went for another grab. Damned near ripped it clean off, she had to go for reconstructive surgery to stitch her lower-face back on.

And the family she was visiting has kids, too. :person_facepalming:

Sound like the beagle was a pitbull mix.

I know that club well…4D is about as good…much better than actual police battons.

Yep… Beagles can be grouchy agressive dogs. My sister had a couple, neither were “pitbull mixes”… these were pure Beagle.
They were always growling & snipping at the ankles of adult visitors… my sister always made excuses for the dogs. :person_facepalming:

I kept telling her she should consider getting rid of them. She would not even consider it.
UNTIL one day someone was over with a young child, a 3 year old girl.
When no one was paying attention the little girl ambled over, sat down in front of one of the dogs & attempted to pet it.
The dog attempted to bite her on the chin, his aim was off a bit & he just grazed her… though teeth did break the skin, he did not get a firm grip.

The nearby adults sprang into action & a would be disaster was averted.

My sister was in shock… she gave both dogs to an old gentleman who used them as rabbit hunting dogs… after a bit of training.

No more dogs for her… she switched to cats.

I somehow have a feeling if you called 911 and told them you were being attacked by a beagle, the cops would not bother to come.

Dogs and young children are rarely a good mix. Unless the dog has an extremely passive personality.

The child thinks the dog is just another stuffed animal to play with and does not have the comprehension to understand when the dog is starting to show aggression.

They can make great companions for kids when things go right, but it can be very bad when things go wrong. Whenever a dog and a kid are first introduced the behaviours of both should be watched closely.

I’m sure examples of all breeds biting can be found. Hell, Nuns used to attack. :smiley: I’m just says maulings and killings have a distinctive pattern and certain breeds are responsible for the most serious attacks. I know if I had small children and my next door neighbor had one of these breeds I would be nervous. Sorry if the good owners are lumped in.

Amen to that :+1: :smiley: :smiley:

1967, 15 years old; I was in a Catholic Hospital with a brain concussion due to a football injury.

I was having a test they called a “Brain Scan” done. A bunch of wires stuck to my head that led to a machine with needles making a paper graph of brain waves they said.

It was all “greek” to me. BUT… I did discover that if I gritted my teeth the needles would go crazy & crash into each other. :smiley:

The second time I did it the Nun running the test grabbed a large book, hit me in the chest with it, & shouted “STOP THAT”!!

Of course I did stop as I tried to keep from laughing.
That lady was serious…. :smiley: :smiley:

Oh, yeah, I had plenty of experiences with Sister Mary Alice Meanface, none of them good.

And so many had weird names, like Sr Euthanasia, Sr Anaesthesia, Sr Colitus, etc., too.