I did the mod, sacrified my very last (the last in the world?) old-batch XP-G2 S4 2B led. Luckily the (hot) dedome went good, just a tiny bit of phosfor chipped off on the edge, for my doing very ok. To optimally use this led the driver had to become low resistance direct drive. It was 22mm diameter, so I populated a wight 22mm BLF-FET+7135 board with the components from a BLF-A6 driver from Banggood, and unlike what my usual experience is with such operations, the driver works perfectly fine.
left the stock driver and led, right the new ones.

The pill can accomodate a 20mm board, but all I had was a 16mm XP-board. But the shelf on the pill is 4mm so there's enough aluminium to heatsink the board well. And the board screws down with two screws (had to sand two new flat bits on the side of the 16mm board, 90degrees from the indentations). I left out the 'reflector' that was screwed in the pill in stock form.
I dislike forward clickies, so I changed it for a standard small Omten reverse clicky on a PD68 tailboard, it all fits like a charm.
So although this light may not be revolutionary, apart from the 22mm driver diameter, it mods fine.
The finished light:

The BLF-A6 driver has a nice low moonlight that could be used to inspect the lens, and it appears that Sunwayman did not bother using an optical grade lens, there are ringy artifacts on the surface as you can see below. On the other hand, the lens that is in my Uniquefire UF-T20 was much worse. To complete the story: the plastic lens in my Brinyte B158 shows no artifacts at all, it looks like a pretty perfect lens.
left the SWM T25C lens, right the Uniquefire T20 lens (illumination was a bit different but you can still see the difference in lens artifacts)

And indeed, the hotspot (@7meter) looks a lot better than that of my UF-T20, with the dots on the die (and the chipped off phosfor-bit
) clearly visible:

My (more than 3 years old old-timer) UF-T20 with its dedomed XP-G2 R4 3C on a 2.95A Qlite driver does 108kcd. Will this one at least have a better score?
Luckily it does, with a charged Samsung 30Q, 30 seconds after switch-on, the current was 4.30A, the throw 181 kcd. Not bad for a glass lens. I'm happy that I spent the S4 2B on this flashlight, it has become very nice :-)