SupFire F9, mini review and mod *Beamshots added * WINNER! Post #29!

Thanks for the review and the story on the mods you made, very nice.

This looks really nice (and is not black - I prefer not black flashlights) and with a good built/modd quality :)

Very nice review-mod-giveaway thread! :)

I have a few lights that does pretty much the same. So ill let someone else have it. I hope someone who is not into modding gets this light. :)

Thanks for the generosity.

Can’t miss a chance to have a D3 modded light :slight_smile:

i’m in for sure :slight_smile:

Jamie, it’s set up with 3 modes but can have the moon mode activated on the 4th star, or a 2 mode operation, or with blinkies…standard Qlite fare.
The first shot in my game room is with the light on low, then medium, then high…had to change exposure on high at that close range to get the hot spot and aura visible, it was blowing out the shot pretty bad. lol

The light has a really nice feel to it. The only light I have similar in size is the Convoy C8, but I’ve got an XP-G2 in that one pulling 4.55A and the reflector is OP so there’s not much of a way to compare the 2 lights fairly. Similar size, both nice lights with overall build and design going to the SupFire in my opinion. Mine are set-up for different things. I have an XinTD V4 on the way, perhaps I’ll mod it similarly and compare the 2.

Thanks Alpha Z, should I let Demolition Dan play with it as an inspection point before shipping it out? :wink:

And Skyrider1, thanks, I took a lazy approach to the pics and felt bad about it. LOL. Next time I’ll try to do a more thorough job with better details. Plan to get a digital caliper which will help. Appreciate the support. :wink:

Ohhhh nice :slight_smile:

So when do I/we get to buy one? With moon mode too plz.

-Jamie M.

Good question JM, ask Richard if he’d lay in some stock, see how they’d sell. I just got one because I was impressed with SupFire, when asking about it they told me a cheap price with high shipping, so I bought 2 to make it worthwhile.

Think I’ll pull the other one out of the box and drop a couple of laptop pulls in it, see how the stock light compares in a direct comparison.

I don’t know of a store that carries these, online or otherwise, I bought em direct from SupFire. I really like the straightforward construction. The pill has that white plastic disc on top of the star, not a chance the reflector can short it. With a brass retaining ring the driver makes a good solid ground. The switch is likewise aluminum and brass for solid reliable operation, all in all it’s just a very well thought out light and doesn’t need modding to be completely functional and a favorite light. I’m just not one to leave well enough alone. :slight_smile:

Who wouldn't want a custom modded light by DBCstm ?

Nice mod

Thanks for sharing .

Super sweet mod
Gotta love double output

Another stealth approach - especially this weekend. :slight_smile:

Thanks for highlighting this model and brand. Color seems to nice too bake …

Wow, if I won this I’d still not have a C8. :slight_smile:

nice light… I’m in for sure, cheers! :beer:

Here's a stock vs mod mouseover, wide angle first, stock as base mouseover for mod...

Zoomed in to 112mm, stock base, mod mouseover...

Thanks for the review and very nice pics! (as always ;))

How were the original driver modes?

I'm in! :bigsmile:

Thanks for the giveaway, DBCstm!

Dont you all love this place?


Supfire needs to get a retailer fast.
Nice stuff

Nice review!

Thanks for giveaway. BTW…I’m in :bigsmile: