WINNER! POST NUMBER 29! Jack the Clipper! Congratulations!
You have your choice of one of three options.
You can a) choose a brand new unmodified F9
b) choose the F9 I have already modified and shown here or
c) choose for me to modify the new F9 to your specifications [within reason of course! :P]
PM me and let me know how you roll!
Hey Folks, don’t know if anyone/everyone has seen the SupFire F9 but I discovered it on their site and had to take the plunge. After working on an M6 for a friend of mine, it’s robust construction led me to look on the site. Hopeful that all their lights would have similar build quality, I found that in this case…it’s true!
SupFire was easy to deal with, even if it took some back and forth most likely due to language barriers. Shipping was moderate to long, and yes I had to pay for the shipping. With shipping I paid about $25. Not at all bad, considering the build quality of this light.
They call the color Titanium but it is more of a deep grey with a hint of a chocolate color. Very nice, interesting change up from black or grey. Wonder what baking it would yield? Hmmm… Anyway, it came with a XM-L2 on an aluminum star, in a nice aluminum pill with brass retaining ring and a plastic insulator protecting against short with the contact pads. The pill is deep, easily accomadating chip stacking, which I of course did.
Notice the thick walls of the battery tube. Very stout! The end that fits into the head is bored to fit around the pill. The tailcap end is thick, solid. Nice surprise. All threaded parts thread together very well, without the slop and free play I’ve been finding in other “cheap” lights.
The tailcap has the long spring with thick brass cap, I soldered a 22ga wire into the cap, (sorry, that was the Convoy C8) a standard coiled type spring under a brass cap, I pulled the brass cap (eliminating a transition point), soldered a 22ga wire to the base of the contact board then fed it up through the spring and soldered it at the top to bypass the spring with the lights current. I should point out here that the light comes with an Omten switch.
I also pulled the aluminum star and put a 16mm Noction with XM-L2 T6 3A for it’s tint, used Arctic Silver 5 very minimally between the two, and wired up a new Qlite driver with 22ga silicon wires. Being as how I wanted to keep the brass retaining ring, I stacked chips on the inside. To keep the brass ring, I inset the driver about an 1/8” or some 3.5mm, then added 8 chips, with a total of 16 chips that allow the light to pull 4.44A from a Samsung 20R cell. With my new lightbox from manxbuggy1 and rdrfronty the light is showing 1270 OTF lumens at 30 seconds.
Reflector is aluminum, with a narrow base that is pretty easy to clear connections on the star, it’s smooth, approx 40mm deep and 38mm wide inside the bezel. Slightly larger than a C8, deeper as well, it has a nice defined hot-spot with an aura and a decent spill.
The smooth surface is one of the cleanest, defect free reflectors I have! Absent the wide flat bottom, it has a very nice beam profile
Quick beamshots in our game room, will try for more distance shots tonight outside
Beamshots with my standard set…Canon G1X ISO1600 f/5.8 @ 1/2 sec exposure. Manual focus, 2 second timer. 1st shot wide angle @ 28mm, 2nd zoom @ 112mm. Red oil drum at 97 yds.
And can you guess why you should find this all very interesting?
Because I bought 2 of them, and will be giving one away here! And yes, I’m offering to modify it as I’ve done to this one. Your pick. Take it stock and modify it yourself, or I will modify it with a Qlite driver and up to 8 extra chips, 22ga silicone wire, spring bypass on each end and I’ll even play with it in the lightbox before it leaves here.
The light came to me in stock form pulling 2.17A and making 690 lumens OTF. So I almost doubled it’s output, and power consumption as well!
Nice light, nice size, comes with the lanyard.
So, if you’ve read this all the way through and would like an opportunity to win one of these, simply post “I’m in” in the subject line of any comment you care to make. The post with “I’m in” in the subject line will be your entry number. (This is not an invitation to break forum rules, please play nice!) I will run this for one week and make the drawing through on Dec. 7th. The winner will be notified by PM and if there is no response in 24 hours I will redraw. No need to go over what you’d like done, the winner can tell me that when they’re picked.
Thanks for looking, Good luck!