I wonder if any of my fellow budgetlighters has any interest in Surefires.
If so, please, let me know. I’m in dire need of some incentive
to try and put my collection ready for display. Thank you.
I wonder if any of my fellow budgetlighters has any interest in Surefires.
If so, please, let me know. I’m in dire need of some incentive
to try and put my collection ready for display. Thank you.
I Love the old Surefire lights.
I have a 6P that I’ve upgraded with a Redilast 3 mode 1.5A P60. It’s now a decent light, but sits in its holster in a drawer and it’s my last SF light.
Modded Surefire900A XHP70.2 2xVTC5A’s or 2X18500 Efest…
Surefire Combat Light M3 XHP70 2x18500 Efest/Vapcell
Numerous P60 Copper Quads/Triples
I have some Surefire lights, that I purchased before I had a budget. I have one of the earliest rechargeable models, before the 6P. I also have a 6P and a 9P. I’m just not sure how to call them “budget lights”. Unlimited budget lights, maybe
Now that I have a budget I buy Solarforces.
Congrats!. Great collection!. All modded.
Mine are stock, because I don’t know how to mod, lol.
Thank you for providing the inspiration I need.
I’m reluctant still to give my word.
But it’s now or never.
I’ll start unboxing tonite.
It will be ready, or almost ready in two days. Promise.
Thank you.
Hi DD,
I think you’re refering to the 6R maybe. When SF was Sure+Fire.
To my knowledge(???), it was the first rechargeable from SF.
Pic coming up.
Surefires are nice. But you will end up spending arm and leg for them. Not worth it at all. Much better output at less money on the market.
Great, can’t wait to see your collection!!
I have a small collection of untouchables, still in the box/wrapper locked away. for a rainy day!
I keep a 6P with incandescent bulb around as a 100% CRI reference, and until a year ago used a Titan Plus as my EDC, but Surefires do not belong anywhere near the word “budget”.
Ha Ha. Great assessment. Especially with prices they charge and much low outputs.
I buy them for reliability not for sheer lumen output. Like Malkoff and Elzetta. They are not for everyone, but I am a quality over quantity guy. Even though I do have 4 Olights.
Just have a 6P and 2 G2.
FWIW incandescents are “100 CRI” but even using CRI as a color accuracy and rendering measurement should be and is quickly becoming a thing of the past. You’re already losing a huge amount of the visible spectrum under ~3000K
LEDs will be (and already are in the case of Optisolis I think?) exceeding other lights sources in full-spectrum lighting at every color temp.
A couple Surefire parts M3 customs I made…
Mini M3 with a Flat White 5.5amps 830lm
Throws a real fine DOT of a Spot
A 6P Quad I carry, makes just over 4000lm……GuppyDrv3 Locked in one of the Tactical modes. Fits and feels great in the hand, it’s not for Cardigan wearing fellows… it actually has Knurling… cost me about $100.00 to make. It is well worth it! Got 3 more Quad Copper kiriba-ru pills and 3 more 6P’s coming from Walmart they were $38.00 each shipped to the house.
Never gave a Rat’s Ass what other people thought, never will….life is too short.
KawiBoy1428 said:
I hear you, and to each his own, but, I just don’t get the “Quality” thing with Surefire. They brake when you drop them, just like the other brands, in fact (in my experience) maybe more.
I tried something like that, but every time the light gets bumped it switches to another mode.
Just scored these today for ~USD25 each...NIB...
Top BK, bottom HA... gonna keep these at 100 CRI.
Deputy Dog:
Sounds like you just have bad luck. Of the 100 or so Surefires I have owned, only had one clicky tailcap go bad. They sent me two replacements. I have thrown, (slammed) one on the solid concrete shop floor as hard as I could throw, it still worked. It was an L1 Lumamax IIRC. It did crack the lens though but that was all.
25 USD each??? You mean you stole them. Want to double your money ? LOL
:money_mouth_face: from a friend… he had 4 to let go… so I take 2…