Hey all,
Just got my Manker E02 in, and it’s a lovely little light.
One little ‘problem’ though:
The camera didn’t catch it so i had to photoshop it, but this is the thing:
On the lowest mode the XP-G3 seems to have a darker area on the die / phosphor.
This gets less noticable on higher currents.
Besides that, the XP-G3 has some tint shift going on, making the centre of the beam quite a bit warmer.
Not abnormal in modern LEDs though, but i’m considering an emitter swap.
But maybe i’ll settle for a diffuser film.
Either way, i had to open it up, also to satisfy my (and your) curiosity.
This is as far as i could get:
Parts list:
- tailcap (PCB with spring and magnet on the bottom apparently glued in place)
- battery tube
- ‘light engine’ retainer ring.
- Light Engine (contact board, driver and LED board, copper heatsink)
- Head (with switch boot and its SS retaining ring)
- LED / reflector gasket
- Aluminum OP reflector
- O-ring
- Glass lens (not coated)
- Bezel (stainless steel, with its O-ring)
Close up of the Light Engine:
Big piece of copper there, nice.
Fits inside the head with some thermal grease.
The copper heat sink seems to protrude through the PCB, so that the LED thermal slug is soldered directly on to it.
I think it’s possible to swap the LED by heating the copper heat sink, but i’m not certain parts will not desolder themselves from the PCB when i try that… :person_facepalming:
(edit: pics re-uploaded)