A high current cell in half the length of a 18650 cell, as usual with this type cell the capacity is fairly low.
Nice discharge curves, the cells has fairly good tracking and not much capacity variation with load. They can handle 10A, but definitely not 15A. Delivering 700mAh at 10A is impressive (but do not expect the cell to do it many times).
This cell has very good performance and good capacity for this amount of current.
Thanks you, really? the IMR 18350,700mAh battery seems very good in the paper from the HKJ’s test review,we want to see
how it work in the real word.this Windyfire 18350,700mAh battery are design for E-cigarette,may i know who are interested in
test it with e-cigarette? do you want to try?
Good battery! Essentially equal in performance to the 700mAh batteries from AW and AWT and Efest, according to HKJ’s comparator tool. I wonder if Mountain Electronics will start stocking them?
Thanks for your feedback,SUBLGT,we are very interested in the HKJ’s comparator tool you mentioned here,like we
want to improve our one type battery, we can use it to see the improved battery and the original ones ,and then we
can see the improvement from the comparator tool,in order we can upgrade our quality.
I have written to windyfire…to buy specifically a couple of this battery ,and few more through their official shop.
Since you can ’t complete the checkout until they film the shopping fees for you, i’m stuck waiting.
and i thiNk i will look elsewere before EurUsd falls back down badly once again.
As i said before in this topic, until they provider a decent way to supply their batteries to customers thia batteries are just vaporware