Thanks Relic38 for the info on modding the small sun ZY-T08 (whitewall pics)

Thanks Relic38 for the info on modding the small sun ZY-T08. I used your easy instructions for modding the carrier so I could run a SST-90 driver in mine. I’m using it to drive a de-domed XM-L2 U2 on a 20mm Copper octogon. I’m guessing it’s right at 7 amps to the emitter. I had to grind down the outside of the driver to make it fit but it works perfect. I’m guessing 1500 lumens or so and a throw that just says wow. I’ll post some beamshots tonight.

Sounds great. can’t wait to see some beamshots :wink:

My thanks also. I’m coppying relics ZY-T08 parallel to series cell conversion to make my own pocket flooder with MT-G2. It’s all in parts waiting for a day off to make it so.


I got this from CREE XML2 datasheet. Is this really what’s happening when you have 7A to the emitter?



Seriously though it seems to be.

tivo532, this happens…

From this thread.

18sixfifty, do you have a link to the driver you are using?

This is the driver, I got mine from Wallbuys as a replacement for a driver in the mystery SRK that didn’t work right. Of course this driver wouldn’t fit or work either. LOL I did make it work but I replaced it with a DRY driver that I like better.

Thanks RaceR86. So it’s really driven out of specs and hopefully it will not burn out. :beer:

You’re welcome guys, glad to help. I wonder what throw you are getting with that driven at 7A. probably close to 200kcd.
Ouchy, that flooder will be nice, it’s my favorite single MT-G2 light so far. The LustFire is my overall fav for MT-G2 with three of em J)

This is a picture of the driver.

This is a picture of the small sun next to a C12 XM-L2 U2 at four amps.

This is the small sun next to the Ultrafire T90 with a de-domed XM-L2 U2

It’s a lot of throw that’s for sure. I seriously need a light meter and a good multimeter. If anyone cares to donate one please feel free. I swear I won’t use it for personal gain. :wink: