Yes indeed… the Cree XM-L T6 bin has now broken the 4000 Lumen barrier.
They have done it again... Thank god the chinese are here to push the limits of how many lumens can come from one flashlight.
you guys are ironical arent ya? :D
I might buy one not because of the lumens, because the LED's will last 1 million hours! Any less is bogus! lol!
Did you read the rest of the add? The term b**t is still bouncing around my head….

Did you read the rest of the add? The term b**t is still bouncing around my head….
You mean I shouldn’t have ordered 15 of them??? 8)

Did you read the rest of the add? The term b******t is still bouncing around my head…
And don't forget, it has a body tube for 2 18650s, but the working voltage only goes up to 4.2 volts. :P

Did you read the rest of the add? The term b******t is still bouncing around my head…
You mean I shouldn’t have ordered 15 of them??? 8)
Oh, god. Lumatic's infection is spreading...
Wow 4k lumens,HA HA what a joke.On the flipside of that is it just me or does this look like a solarforce MPP1?Interesting host.

You mean I shouldn’t have ordered 15 of them?
So, Lumatic, the truth finally comes out! Relic38 is your alter ego shadow account! This counts as your 1000 post! Someone get SB down here, stat!
I didn’t order 15… just six. But I’m not Lumatic. Loony, yes, but not Lumatic.

Wow 4k lumens,HA HA what a joke.On the flipside of that is it just me or does this look like a solarforce MPP1?Interesting host.
I was thinking the same thing, I’m just not well enough up on my solarforce’s to know which model it put me in mind of.
I like that the pictures show nicks on the tail cap, at least their honest that it’ll not be in the best condition. 0:)

Wow 4k lumens,HA HA what a joke.On the flipside of that is it just me or does this look like a solarforce MPP1?Interesting host.
You seem to be right, if it is a true solarforce part just rebranded then this is a good deal. Has anyone actually ordered one?
scaru. The cells are in a parallel universe hence the advertised 4.2 voltage at ballast.
Cree have made the XM-L so efficient that it absorbs heat now. You pump in 98 Watts and the flashlight head will get frost on it. J)

I didn’t order 15… just six. But I’m not Lumatic. Loony, yes, but not Lumatic.
Don’t lie and don’t change your story now, “I only ordered six”. Ha! Caught red handed, I say! You ARE Lumatic! Don’t deny it!
Seriously, though, what ever happened to that guy?

You seem to be right, if it is a true solarforce part just rebranded then this is a good deal. Has anyone actually ordered one?
I do like the look of it, but I’m way to over budget right now, with almost 10 lights on the way or ordered…

I do like the look of it, but I’m way to over budget right now, with almost 10 lights on the way or ordered…
Oh crap! I just re-read what I wrote… maybe I am Lumatic!!! NOOOooo!!!
I can't see the branding does it say "doubtfire"lol,it may be worth a shot if it's solarforce quality,but the sample looks banged up so it's hard to say.Lego project maybe or it would get a greased lightning bath.