Hey guys, this light would be for my friend. He prefer throw, the flashlight must be good quality, with 4/5 modes properly merged, not low 10 lumens, and then 500 next mode, something with proper steps,* good reflector, *XM-L2 led is a must, prefering neutral, or even warm white, good build quality, and must using 18650.
Thanks in advance.
Look no further…
1,125 lumens with U2 1A tint selection.
Which one do you think will throw further? HD2010 or X3?
Small sun zy-t08, use coupon code LEDWALLBUYS14 and a dedomed xm-l2 u2-1A on copper , and if you want 4 modes maybe a qlite driver with added 7135 chips. Or you can resistor mod the original driver with a resistor for more amps, should run on 4A easily.
Yezl Y3 from WallBuys. Here's info: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/24076. Post #29 has review details, post #77 has some tech details.
Throw, stock, I measured is 63 kcd at only 2.5A. Better than a stock HD2010 w/XML can do because of it's bigger reflector, even with the HD2010 at higher amps.
Joe - surprised you didn't recommend the Y3?? The X3 is more expensive, can't match or come close to the throw of the Y3 because of it's smaller reflector, smaller than a HD2010. It does have selection of tints though, but anything else but U2 1A will lose throw.
Cons: only 3 modes and hidden strobe, just in cool white.
I’m not sure if my friend would agree to mod his light, he will mine TK 75, but not sure if he will want to mod his light
I guess that leave XINTD X3 as the best option? what modes does it have?
Edit or the one, Tom E pointed? i will check them out shortly and response back
Edit 2, the model suggest by Tom sadly is using only 26650? its a no go if that’s the case
It appears that the XINTD comes with a sleeve to adapt the 18650 to fit.
Ooops, missed the 18650 requirement. But of course, nothing exists stock with your exact specs. The Y3's come with the sleeve. Joe's didn't, but all the rest I've seen posted about, including mine, did.
And if it didnt come with a sleeve, they are less than $2 for o-ringed versions. They rattle less than most of the freebie sleeves (a length of conduit), maybe they rattle the same but absorb the rattle more with the rubber o-rings.
If you live in the US then you may order a modded XinTD C8 from mtnelectronics. But with all those serious mods the light cost way above your budget already.
Honestly there are not many choices available to match your requirements without modding.
The Y3 is great, but OP seemed to be asking for something of more upscale quality with a choice tints and better modes, hence, the X3.
Joe - I see. Yes, the warm white or neutral would tilt it to the X3, but sacrificing throw big time. The 4-5 modes -- not sure what that means, the typical strobe and SOS included? Dunno of a stock light with 4-5 "levels" of output.
Well, yes, but the X3 is a step up, I’d say, in most any other direction. The X3 is also brighter, brightest stock light with a direct thermal path that I know of. I also figured Dazed knew of the Y3 already and was looking for something a little more accomplished. But hey, you know I love my Y3.
My friend would like, low, mid, high, turbo + strobe. Other modes are not needed. Maybe firefly as well, dunno, but its not a must. Thanks all for the comments. Mods are not needed, he is not flashoholic, he will mod my TK 75, but i don’t think he is interested in modding his.
Very unlikely you will find those exact modes in something stock, and in that price range.
If I go with the heading, I would have to say the Jacob a60 is the best thrower for the money.
If I go with your list of requirements, it looks like that Xintd X3 mentioned by Rusty Joe is the closest you are going to get to what you want.
My only personal experience of the lights listed so far, of a good thrower for the money, is the zyt-08.
That yezl y3 that TomE mentions looks like throwiest brightest option available.
I would also like to add that your mate is bound to be slightly disappointed with whatever you get him when he compares it to your tk-75….( If he doesn’t compare it, I would think he would be extremely happy with the X3.)
Personal preference also plays a vital role, as all the lights listed above vary quite a lot in form…
Anyway, good luck with your decision…
I got the XinTD X3, Yezl Y3, HD2010, T08, T13, T16, Jacob A60, and a bunch more, most modded. The Y3 is by far my favorite in this price range.
i like my Y3 i use it on also for bicycle outdoor with this clamp.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, i will inform you in 2 days what did he decided, or what he can’t
have you tried putting an xpg2 dedomed in your y3. if it fits i wonder if you can hit 300k cd!?