18650 trustfire flames batteries from here i have done a few disharge and charge cycles on them and they all give between 2300 and 2500 mAh but today i did another discharge and charge cycle with my Icharger 106B+
i dishcarged to 3 volt under load once the charger stoped i let it rest a few mins the cell voltage was 3.24 volt then i recharged to 4.2 volt at 500 mAh (0.5 amp) and this one took 2471 mAh, they also can be dishcarged to 2.75 volt so it can take a little more mAh if you want it to.
this was an old cell with the internal resistance of 163 milliohms but you have to take into account i was using rare earth magnets, my soldering and the main charge cable leads and connectors so i expect the internal resistance to be a little lower around.
i have done some more testing on the TFF here