The Daily Joke Thread ⚠️ (keep it clean please) ⚠️

Old one from 1965:

Ken Thompson stopped in at Dick McDaniels’ Pizza Palace the other night and ordered a pizza. When it was ready, Dick asked Ken if he wanted it cut in six or eight pieces.

Ken thought a while, and then said, “Better make it six pieces. I could never eat eight.”

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The Ken Thompson of Eunuchs fame?

Reminds me of the joke where The Mother is giving pizza to her kids. The Brother measures his slice with a micrometer and starts howling that The Sister’s slice is 3 molecules bigger than his, so The Mother takes the knife and cuts his slice in half.

“There. Now you have 2 slices and she only has 1.”

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Why do Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?

If they fell forward, they’d still be in the boat.

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A good ²³⁸Umbrella policy should cover it.

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How bad are the fires in Southern California?
They’re so bad that Ukraine has offered to send 150 of their firefighters to help with the fires.
That’s kinda a joke, but it’s also true.