Almost 2 years ago I posted about finding wrappers for 18650 Li-ion cells. In that post I presented listings on the internet for buying printed wrappers for popular brands that could be shrink wrapped over bare cells. Most of those links are now dead, or have been changed. Here is a link to my old original post
Since then there have been many knew members that have joined BLF that may not know how some of the advertised brands that they see on Amazon or EBay or even some popular vendors come from. I have decided to repost the information in a new form. I have grabbed the pictures from the wrapper links and saved the JPG’s. That way when a link changes, we still have the wrapper pics archived in this thread.
Of course what this all means is that if anyone can buy, for example, an “UltraFire 3000” wrapper then they could shrink wrap it onto ANY kind of cell whatsoever. Whether it is an old laptop pull or cheap Chinese cell. Once wrapped it would look like a brand new “UltraFire” cell.
There are many different cell wrappers available, not just UltraFire.
Here are the pics I found in a relatively short amount of time, I would encourage others to hunt for more and post them to this thread. These are not posted in any particular order. These pics took me about 1/2 hour to hunt down, and for that 1/2 hour it was fun. It was fun to “collect” the different pics that I did. I now am willing to share this new “hobby” with you all so that someone else can enjoy the quest of finding other wrappers for sale.
I am posting these pics to show people that it is really difficult to know for certain, other than a trusted vendor, what is really inside of a cell we buy. There are even Panasonic and XinTD wrappers on the net.
Nothing wrong with these blank wrappers, in fact they are quite useful. I only posted this pic as a comparison, to put everything preceding and following in proper perspective.
I couldn’t find the wrappers for these but here are three more cells
I did find one more wrapper, The Ultra-rare, UltraFire Green! (For those of us that want to save the planet?)
I like the assassin battery covers. Is it a promise or a threat that they will kill you if used? The UitraFirc, Holy Fire and G Zone ones are not bad either. :Sp
would be nice to make a blf recycled sleeve.
logo being
graphic being a laptop pack plus recycling logo and a guy shining a flashlight and puffing on a mod.
then see how long it takes for knockoffs to appear on ebay!
Here are a bunch of pic I found on the internet of “Fire” cells. In addition to the fake wrappers that are available, this should also convince rookies that these cells are not really manufactured brands, but rather wraps or re-wraps of cheap or used cells.
Here is everything I have so far.
(TrustFire white!)