@pepinfaxera, are you sure that 26800 support is really required?
These are absolutely massive cells.
@pepinfaxera, are you sure that 26800 support is really required?
These are absolutely massive cells.
Just my thoughts, but it would seem this charger must have some kind of limits on it. Otherwise it will get totally out of hand.
There is no way to please everyone or grant every wish or request.
It is already planned it seems to do 10180 cells, which as far as I am concerned is a waste.
How many people, in the big scheme of things; give a rip about 10180 cells, much less analyzing them???
Make the charger to accommodate the vast majority’s wants & needs & run with it.
BUT HEY… these are just my personal thoughts. Other’s thoughts are bound to be different.
I think the issue is that it’s hard to find an appropriate charger for 10180. Even if you make an adaptation to connect the cell, charge rates are not low enough. This charger would have a low enough charge rate. For 26800, all you need is some clips and you can adapt about any charger, because the charge rate will be fine.
I’m in whenever this happens.
See freeme joint purchase:
26800 Battery Tube …
Several manufacturers are including tubes for 26800 in their catalogs.
Convoy for example
count me in please
Count me in for one! Sounds like a holy grail of chargers. Would love to see usb-c input option with USB PD.
@trmgkl, a USB-C input with USB-PD has already been gone over, but the appropriate conversion circuitry and protocol requirements would make the build more complex.
Perhaps a V2 could be done if that ever comes around with that: a fully portable build essentially.
BlueSwordM, thank you for developing this incredible project for us. We would all love a super charger that does it all and has it all.
That said, I hope you may reconsider making the 1st version with USB C PD, as this has limitless applications and incredible portability.
Count me in
looking forward to the UC4, and thank you for pulling through even if the project + life are difficult! purpose can be very powerful in any situation. for reference I can recommend looking into Viktor Frankl.
should you decide to add trickle charge for NiMH, please give us a setting to permanently disable it since LSD cells like eneloops can loose 20-30% of cycle life if repeatedly overcharged and internal resistance suffers too.
For a reference to measure internal resistances I can recommend YR1035+, I have one and it’s great!
I am in if it will do 26800.
ah yeah BlueSwordM, I almost forgot:
FDK uses a trick to increase storage time of eneloops for shipping.
they charge the battery and at the end it’s discharged (!) to 70%.
They say it increases how long the batteries keep their charge!
maybe you don’t have to discharge to 70, maybe 90 or a fixed voltage like 1.37V would be fine.
You could also integrate this function so the user could choose what happens at the end of charging: “trickle charge” / “no trickle charge” / “storage discharge 90%”
that would be a really unique function, no charger I know of has this feature!
source q26 and q38
I’m interested in one!
Looks like the project has been placed on hold, however, I will throw in that I am interested in 2 if these ever make production.
Thank you,
Interested. Let’s make it capable of charging 21700 and 26650 cells, too.
@def_nvar, I knew it applied to lithium-ion cells, but NiMH cells? I did not actually know.
I’ll do some research on the subject and how easy the charging implementation would be.
also I found some nice Application Notes on inflection point charging from ST:
that’s detecting the point where a curve transitions from rising to falling and it’s even better for the battery than fast charging with -dV/dt since it allows to stop at 99-100% pretty much exactly instead of relying on the slight overcharge until the voltage drops by a bit.
It’s what panasonic used in flagship chargers BQ-CC55 and BQ-CC65
ST recommends using back-up -dV/dt, temp and voltage termination but that config could also be permanently stored in eeprom, configurable in the UI.
sorry for giving you homework
it’s slightly different for the chemistries
for li-ion, it’s good if you don’t charge them all the way to 100%.
this increases how many charge cycles you can get out of the battery as a higher voltage / SOC, especially together with higher temperature accelerates aging-induced wear.
It’s also why, for RC LiPo packs at least, recommended it’s recommended to store them at 3.85V = just above 50% SOC per cell and then charge them fully right before using them.
In RC a full charge makes sense since they want maximum runtime and don’t care if they only get 200 cycles but for Li-ion in flashlights, you can avoid charging it that high altogether if you don’t really need maximum capacity.
for NiMH, there are 2 relevant effects:
if you charge them up (e.g. to 100) and then discharge them a bit afterwards (FDK goes down to 70), they can keep the charge you put in for longer, i.e. you temporarily decrease self-discharge until the next charge cycle
when you charge a NiMH to 100% (or in reality, a bit beyond) with -dV/dt termination, you make them hot, which also accelerates aging processes for the duration it’s hot. for the same temperature, the effect on NiMH is less severe but with -dV/dt on a used battery they can go well beyond 45°C / 113F. Especially as the internal resistance increases with cycles/age, you get higher and higher temperatures at termination, “quickly” degrading the battery more and more.
That’s why I suggested adding inflection point charging, to stop a bit earlier than above 100, decrease termination temperature and thus get more cycles out of the battery for trading a few of mAh.
at least that’s how I understood it
I’d make a settings menu with submenus in UI and save the settings to EEPROM.
for Li-Ion
target charge and discharge voltage selectable from 2.50V to 4.20V in 0.05V increments
slow, stepped current reduction before reaching target charge voltage, especially above 4.0V (see AN859 Li-Ion current curve in last post)
minimum detection voltage, default 2.5V but changeable by the user, with a big fat warning in the manual that charging overdischarged Li-Ion batteries can form dendrites and thus internal short-circuit, leading to anything from increased self-discharge current to venting or even serious fire during charging or even up to months after charging (time bomb) and is thus not recommended.
for NiMH charge
charge current
primary mode selector: inflection point / -dV/dt / target voltage / temp
with -dV/dt and temp serving as backup termination methods in inflection point mode
-dV/dt value (2.5mV and above in 2.5mV increments)
target temp value
max. temp value (for overtemp protection)
inflection point parameter, i.e. how much the smoothed battery voltage derivate is allowed to drop after peaking, causing charge termination (see AN417 in the post above, Fig 5). Good defaults will be key here (soon enough after inflection but not succeptible to measurement noise (higher ADC resolution and smoothing will help here), and allowing this to be adjusted by the user allows for getting closer and closer to the charge level -dV/dt would produce.
target voltage value
max. voltage value (for overvoltage protection)
post charge mode selector: nothing / trickle charge / selfdischarge-reduction discharge
trickle charge current: from your preset currents
selfdischarge-reduction voltage, default 1.42V, in 0.01V increments.
selfdischarge-reduction discharge current
bothering with converting NiMH voltages to % is wasted effort in my opinion since voltage-to-SOC curves are so different between NiMH manufacturers / product lines, let alone capacitiessee lygte/HKJ battery comparator
minimum detection voltage, default 0.7V but you should be able to lower it to 0.1V to revive “dead” cells
for NiMH discharge
target voltage value
discharge current
discharge delay in minutes (wait X minutes between charging and discharging if cycling / measuring capacity to allow the battery to cool between cycles)
for NiMH cycling
charge cycle number 1-10000
there should be a counter available to display how many cycles the cell has already done if this mode is active
end state: charged / discharged
I’d add an internal resistance test between the pause after charge and the discharge (a cool battery always has higher/more realistic IR), then here the user can set:
rejection on internal resistance yes/no
maximum internal resistance value before rejection (10-5000 mOhm, default 2000mOhm)
this, together with logging capabilities makes the charger an automated AAcycler-worthy test machine
for NiMH capacity testing
I’d always do charge-discharge test-charge
best add a way to manually calibrate channel voltage readings or even currents and internal resistance measurement current
to save the user from having to select the channel by button each time:
When you insert a battery I’d display a what-to-do-dialogue for this channel (operating mode: charge / discharge / measure IR / capacity test / cycle) and also set desired charge / discharge current for each.
If a battery/channel was previously configured since the charger was powered on, you could pre-select the last entered operating mode and currents.
If there was no battery inserted yet, default to charging and the default current set in the settings menu.
If the user inserts multiple batteries, have the charger remember the order in which they were inserted and ask for each channel before starting any operation. (an array could be used here)
If there is at least one operation going on and the user inserts a battery, continue the operation in background and ask what’s to be done with this channel.
Should a battery be removed before it’s decided what’s to be done that battery is either crossed from the what-to-do-dialogue list or its dialogue is closed again, if it’s the one being displayed.
then during charging I’d only leave an option to change current up/down for the selected channel, but also to pause or abbort, which returns to main menu, showing voltages and allowing to access the settings menu.
that’s all I can think of for a “simple”, powerful user-friendly UI for now.
of course the manual would need to explain every parameter and what-does-what very well but if it’s clear enough people will learn it quickly.
During the operations I’d permanently cycle the display through each active channel, showing voltages and mAh charged / discharged with the option to view other metrics by button.
again, sorry for all the homework BlueSwordM.
If I’d be paying my own bills I’d set aside time to help you in development but studying is more important rn.