I’m interested in one too.
Interested, when and if. Thanks.
I’m interested in one too.
Interested, if we go forward
Just saw this thread today, as someone that have:
Opus BT-C3100 V2.2
LiitoKala Lii-500S
Miboxer new C4-12
Sanyo NC-MQR06W
I would edit the
4. 4 cell channels, with support for 10180 cells all the way up to 78mm 21700s.
for a simultaneously support 4 cells, size at least up to 26800 if not 26950 for future-proofing on length, or even 32950 (to accommodate the 32650 cells)
We really need 4 slot 26800 charger.
Ps. If you are worried about the overall size, you could just have sliding plastic covers with the metal end, for each slot, and not robust plastic body, with just metal sliding inside.
And we need to test the AAA cells fit, because it's very common for them to not fit easy, on this type of chargers (lose contact on the button head, or tail, or just jump out of slot by spring tension).
11. Adjustable max charging voltage for lithium-ion: 3,50V-(n1+0,1V)…(n6+0,1V)-4,2V-4,25V-4,30V-4,35V-4,40V
This can be what I could be sold on, I would love to charge my Li-ion up to max 4.10V, or 4.15V (and I wish it could be programmed and memorized)
I’m interested for one if it makes production.
@kokosnh 32650 support is way too large.
Adapters are still the way to go. Not going the route of making something to support cells larger than protected 21700s or 26650s.
As for small cell compatibility, I’ve had an idea floating in my head about putting magnets inside of the tips to magnetize the steel canisters most cylindrical cells come in, so I guess it could work.
That, or we use stiff springs.
Believe it or not, I’m still working on the project funnily enough.
Thank You @BlueSwordM
A protected 21700 Acebeam would be awesome or 26800. I’m definitely going to support. All the best man.
Interested- please put me on the list
Yep, interested, too!
Glad this project marches on, thanks for your efforts.
In the meantime, does anyone make a 2 bay charger that has a discharge function? I can only seem to find that functionality in 4 bay chargers and would love to have a portable one as well.
Liitokala 260 ?
There was also Miboxer C2-4000, but I think it’s discontinued.
Thank you! That looks like it might do the trick. I’ve been looking and it’s so hard to tell what’s decent and what’s hot garbage.
Just keep in mind, these are analyzing chargers, so they won’t automatically stop after a discharge cycle. Instead, they will begin charging the cell again. You would have to manually remove the cell before this happens.
That’s perfectly fine, in fact a refresh cycle is what I am looking for. I can certainly stop it if I’m looking to straight discharge. Much appreciated.
I’m interested too!
If this ever goes out of hold, super massively interested. The market is sorely lacking a free, open and documented universal charger. Thumbs up and good luck!
I’m interested in one too.