The problem with this "hobby"....

That (not placing another order until after I got the previous one) was originally my plan…. but that only lasted for about a week, and then went downhill FAST after that :).


OUCH! And I thought that I was in bad shape :)…


I hear ya! That's my usual method, but sometimes get caught up in "special deals" and "limited quantities" that I just have to jump on! :)



Thanks everybody. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one experiencing this.

One idea that I’d like to pass along:

I noticed that a lot of the sellers ship via USPS with tracking #s. What I do is that I create a link with each tracking # when I get the tracking #, and then save the link as a bookmark, along with a descriptive name for the bookmark (like “18500 batteries from xxxx”).

Then, when I receive the package, I edit the bookmark name by adding “RCVD - YYYY-MM-DD”, and then after that I move the book mark to a folder that I’ve named “Old shipments”.

That way, I have all of the shipments or at least ones that I know of and are tracked, plus I have a record, in the “Old shipments” folder, of the shipments that I already received.

Again, it’s a bit of work…


Paypal history is a good idea, but I add in tracking numbers and what’s in the order. Notepad is just faster for me.
It is some work, but if I do it when I place the order, it saves a lot of time searching when I think something hasn’t arrived after a long time.
In fact, I just checked and I have an eBay order that needs to be handled if it doesn’t arrive tomorrow. :frowning:

Keep trying. It takes perseverance and hard work to get a wanted list like that.

Happiness is having something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to… I think you got the last third of the equation covered! :slight_smile:

This seems to be a consistent occurrence. I’m guessing they think we only order budget items from HK and expensive ones from the US. My brother got stung numerous times on US knife orders where as never got hit for tax on orders from other countries.

Its probably not as bad as it sounds, but at the moment, I have lots of packages going my way! :slight_smile:
Luckily, the majority of them are low value, 3-8$.
LOTS of DIY stuff/parts. (switches, tailcaps, optics, reflectors, drivers, wires, batteries, tools, emitters, battery carriers, cooper stars, lenses, etc etc…)

I’ve never ordered enough simultaneous flashlights to have this problem but when i moved here i had a bunch of warranty replacement issues to deal with, plus ordering sinkpads, a battery charger, and a giveaway light, so i put a piece of paper on the wall above the monitor and when i am expecting a delivery/replacement i just write it on that list
Right now it says 16mm sinkpads and my first fasttech order


It’s hard to believe that you’re only/just on your first Fasttech order. I only started being actively interested about a month ago, and I already have 4 orders in-flight with them :)…


One thing that I have noticed on orders from China… they ALWAYS get delivered on Mondays. No idea why…

they were built on friday… obviously :bigsmile:

whew yeah i lost track but i have at least 10-15+ packages on the way…probably way more. my mailman just smiles at me each time he walks up to me for signatures (I hate registered!). sometimes I will come home to 5-6 packages in the mailbox, and usually have no idea what any of it is.

i use the USPS app for iPhone and add tracking numbers and descriptions for each package that includes it. makes it easy to keep track and check the status of orders.

haha… Most of the reason why all my latest packages are so small orders are due to the mailman coming on the door, or me having to go to the post office and get the package. So much easier to just get them from the mailbox without any signatures and stuff. And I don’t have to feel sorry for the mailman/women having to try do deliver packages to my house quite often.
2 months ago I tried to have my Fasttech packages above 15$. Now, I deliberately keep them below to avoid registered shipping. Sometimes I order 2-3 packages instead of 1.

do you notice any difference in how quickly registered or unregistered packages arrive?

Maybe someone can start a “flashlight a month” club like the Clombia House CD thing that was popular back in the 90’s? Get a random light, battery or accessory every month and just send it back if you don’t like it. That way, there’s always something OTW even if you forget to shop for the month. Can’t tell you guys how many CDs I ended up keeping because I forgot to send it back in time, but I actually grew to appreciate some of them later.


It’s the part of the journey to flashaholism.


Not exactly an answer to your question, but one thing I noted with Fasttech is that when I place an order with only 1 item in it, it gets shipped a LOT faster than if I put a bunch of items in one order. For example, I placed an order with a bunch of stuff in it, then, a day later, I placed an order with just 1 item in it, but the 2nd order went to “shipped” status first. Also the order with 1 item got a picture of the package on Fasttech’s website, but the 1st order did not.


Nice one. lol

I’m thinking they probably resting on Saturdays and Sundays. Nah, just joking.