The problem with this "hobby"....

I like always haing something on the way, and yes sometimes they stack up :slight_smile:

Sounds good, but can we bump up the frequency a little; to, like, daily J)

If I order a light from FT, I order it alone now. It gets here a lot faster. My DIY stuff goes in one order. Batteries on one order. If it’s a big emitter order, it goes separate. I don’t like unnessary waiting for my lights. :wink:
DIY stuff is often ordered for stock (you never know when you need it).
Purpose-ordered DIY stuff is ordered together.


I'm the opposite I think I've ordered stuff that I've only looked at or put in a shopping cart or wish list and never actually paid for it .

I think I did that with my first knife purchase ...i waited for a company to send me something forever Months..(Mr patience) and I finally started to get mad and email them about my order (which they couldn't find )..When I looked thru my paypal I realized i never placed the order ....D+UH

So technically

I'm waiting on stuff to arrive that is "never coming " :P

Hard to get mad at the vendor when you never ordered it

That’s the proper way to order something. Fill out the cart, go through the order submittal but don’t do the final “buy it” thing. A day or two later you get an email offering a discount to complete your purchase. I’ve been offered discounts up to 20%

That's true they will give you deals if you leave stuff in the cart sometimes ..that's not what i was doing ..i just kept putting off that first knife order, thinking Oh no... not another addiction ..

I knew I was going to buy the enlan el01 but looked and looked and ..i suppose i gots hypnotized


Days for my fasttech packages to arrive. BOLD= registered shipping

Based on that, maybe unregistered packages may be a bit slower. But right now I have 4+ unregistered packages from fasttech that have used 25+ days!!
That will make the unregistered packaged be slower on average. So its a bit up and down in.
There is a higher probability for a small package to be shipped fast.

Got two packages today. :slight_smile: One was a free light light from Ill probably give it away as a gift to one of my sisters kids.

In 2012 I only bought/received 7 packages. Its just recently I have started to mod everything, and buy more flashlights and whole bunch of flashlight parts.
Out of about 20 flashlights. A sipik SK68 is the only flashlight I have that is stock. Its probably just a matter of time before I will order a less cool XP-E2 or something (XP-G2/Nichia?) for the Sipik :stuck_out_tongue:
In 2012 flashlights was just something I bought a couple of for exploring caves and using in the winter half-year out on the country-side and on trails in the dark. Now, its a hobby. Will it last for more than a year more? Who knows… Right now im enjoying it and I learn something new all the time.

Jim, all that waiting is what I think is partly responsible for our addiction. It's the influx of those padded envelopes arriving at random times and never knowing what will show up on a given day. Trust me. If you don't do any more ordering for a month or two you will have withdrawl and find yourself longing for another fix to show up in the mail. Next thing you know you will be ordering steadily just to have stuff show up. I often think I am more addicted to the packages arriving than I am to the flashlights themselves. ;)

I do keep a spreadsheet of my orders. Just a simple one to keep track, if not I couldn’t control how much I spend! J)

Number, Ordered date, Received date, Website, etc…

I also keep track on mine. However, I also include each item, item cost, and all of the things I sell.

At the end of the spreadsheet I have a running total from all of my orders but I try to avoid that area.

When I just used to use deal extreme I got bored one day and exported a PayPal history filtered just by deal extreme. Seeing $4000 worth in 3 years worried me.

Now I don’t look. I can do the maths in my head and its probably about $2000+ on gadgets in the last 9 - 12 months. I don’t need that in black and white for the wife to see.

I was however off work for a week and all my toys get delivered there, I had a mini Christmas this morning

GOT 5 packages today!! :slight_smile: Update on shipping time here. Content here.
If I should talk in general, there is usually not much difference between registered and non-registered.

Now Im down to a more “reasonable” amount of packages.

All those small packages add up. But so far, im still below 1000$ in all my flashlight stuff (including chargers, batteries, parts, etc)
I plan to sell some stuff soon too, which is the reason I have ordered some extra batteries and chargers.