The thread you weren't supposed to look at - 3 Luminus throwers build, Finished 08/30/15 - LUX numbers and beam shots in Post #1

I believe its this reflector.

And heres another thread on a TH61 mod using this reflector.

The two reflectors have been reported to be the same.

I’m not sure what you’re going for there…

Thanks, that is the reflector.

Location: Held against my will in IOWA, USA

I lived in Iowa once. Fort Madison, Belle Plaine. Did a lot of fishing in some of the lakes and larger ponds there, all over the eastern and southern parts of the state. Loved the fall, with all the migrating flocks. Sort of miss it, compared to here.

I’m originally from Nebraska, so I wouldn’t dare admit if I actually liked it here.

Thanks for reflector link :wink:

There’s no shame in liking where you live.

Even if it’s Iowa. :wink:

More photos in the bottom of the OP. It's getting there slowly. I don't have much time now. I got a job and signed all the paperwork today.

It is so ironic. Where did I end up? Right the hell back where I was in my last job! Carrier sold out and Trane came in and bought it. So, it's still big air conditioners, just like it was. Same guards were hired back, more or less. Same guard shack, same location, different guard company and it took them all this time, to get it up and going.

It borders on idiotic! The new guard company is G4S, (Wackenhut). I will say, it's the most paperwork I have ever seen in my life. Over 1-1/2" stack of papers to sign and initial. Then a week of training. Crazy stuff, but it's a job. Basically the same pay too. Well, if it gets me to 62, that's all I really need. Once I hit 62, I'm taking retirement and continue to work part time, till I decide what else I want to do.

You’re not even 62 and you claim to be “Old” Lumens?
Very glad to hear you found work, maybe that means I’m due.

Nope, it means I like “Old Lumens”, like candles and incandescent bulbs.

… How ironic.

I user to work for a company that supplied carrier with their centrifugal clutches for those refrigeration units.
Glad you got a new/old new job

Looking forward to seeing these up and running, pleased things worked out on the job front for you as well.

Finished 08/30/15

It sounds like you need a break but I’m not making a suggestion to that effect. I only know I get burnt out once in a while but can’t seem to stay away for long.

Hey Justin , congrats on quitting the cigs , man .

You'll feel better in no time .

I'm glad I peeked at the thread that we weren't supposed to. I believe there may be one or two others here that know what your going through.

I want to see a video of them running! ;) I DEMAND IT NOW!!! <---- (In case you didn't know it, I'm being sarcastic here. This is what I felt like as soon as I told people I had one of the Meteors in-hand).

Can you shave a little off the bottom edge of the reflectors for more wire clearance? Maybe use your flat copper braid trick?