ThruNite Catapult V6 XHP35 HI

That makes me wonder if it’s a digitally regulated constant current driver? The lumens should stay pretty much the same through the life of the cell if it is, which would make it pull harder on the cell as it died to maintain output.

Yeah, comparing two different cells is going to yield different results even if they are both fully charged, hard to say what’s going on using different cell types at different voltages. Thanks for trying though. :wink:

I ended up selling another light and buying my second V6 today. I finally found a light that does everything I want it to do. Doing it all with one battery was a bonus as well as that beam profile and the brightness of it. Another reason I really need a second light is that my wife kept giving me that puppy eyed look until I gave in and parted with my original one.

That’s a cool wife you’ve got there lol

Yeah, she's ok! She seems to like thrunite though as she already confiscated my pen light from them. She won't even tell me where she's hiding it

Why not to buy TC20 instead?

Got it apart… very thick mcpcb 1.960mm thick, 22awg x 26.5mm long leads, a hunk of silicone cube for the boost module to keep cool, current regulated with a R024 resistor….hmmmm

Wonder what it’s going to draw at the LED?

2.07amps at the LED @ start up….

Maybe he modded that one with an XHP35. :smiley:

It’s not bad, just been really happy with ramping ui in other lights. I’m still waiting for the boost drivers that’ll do it.

While I may still grab one of these, it’s somewhat redundant with some of my other lights. Just threw together an f13 with a kaidomain driver and a pair of 26350s driving an xhp35 hi. Slightly smaller refector though.

Ok. You sold me. Ordering one tonight.

Swapped the R024 for a R020 and got 2.36amps @ the emitter! :+1:

I might swap out the LED for a de-domed E4 I got a couple laying around….doing nothing! :smiley:

Hey kiwiboy, do you think thrunite catapult should be easy swap with the olson black and pfet driver? What parts do i need? Sorry for my bad english…

Thanks for all the disassembled pics. Only had cw left so I had to grab one.

I guess I’ll swap the sense resistor while im in there.

Thanks for the guidance

Oh yeah forgot to mention the Catapult is a 2 piece Head design… makes it easier to Mod! :wink:

Red Chineese Loctite…. I scoff at thee, I mod Surefire’s for fun :smiley:

( It came apart easy in a vise and a rubber band) :+1:

I’m sorry I know nothing about the black flat, meaning I never had a desire to use or build something using it, I wouldn’t waste the time for low lumen pencil beam lights to be honest, that’s just me….

Bigger reflector!

nice work Scott, makes me want one even more!

Robo819 tested his out at 2030 lumens, wonder if that’s just emitter variation? A resister bump could really have it cranking the max beam, as long as the driver can handle it ok.

Everybody keeps confirming how impressive these are, Thrunite is on a roll! :heart_eyes:

I wish they actually produced the NW version; I was looking forward to getting it, but my order was cancelled and refunded, and I was told it wasn’t going to be made.

Just wonder how will this Thrunite Catapult V6 compare to the new upcoming Lumintop ODL20C flashlight with an advertised 860 meters of throw?

It depends on what you are looking for really as to how the Thrunite Catapult V6 compares to the Lumintop ODL20C.
I DO NOT have the Lumintop light but I do have the Thrunite and I really like it.

You get another 100 meters of throw according to the listed specs with the Lumintop , but you also get 300 grams of weight (without the cell) compared to the 192 grams on the Thrunite. There is also the length and just how small you want as the Lumintop comes in at 147mm in length and the Thrunite is 132mm in length.

The lumens output is listed at 2000 on the Lumintop and 1700 on the Thrunite , but the sample Catapult I did my review on actually is making 2030 lumens OTF , so I don’t have a clue if I got a great driver in my sample , or if they are all doing more than listed lumens.

Both have USB charging built in and both companies make really good lights. Both are priced close to the same so I am guessing it will be up to the user as to which they prefer , based on which styling they prefer mostly.

My full review on the Catapult V6 with testing charts , GIF’s , full write up and video is HERE if anyone has not seen a full review on it yet or wants to see my review.

Nice work KWB !

I’m tempted to get one now , and mod it with xhp35 hi and maybe a R018 (R008+R010) resistor …

What package is the resistor ? 1206 , 2512 or smaller ?

1206 R020 with 22awg 2” leads got me 2.36amps with the supplied Thrunite battery off the charger @ 4.21v. the LiitoKala power house 26650 will do a bit better. :wink: The driver showed no ill effects, handled it like a champ, back then.

Anything (a bit) Higher I would suggest a copper ring for the driver ground ring, heat transfers much faster, driver likes it better too.