Ouchyfoot, when I did my 9 XM-L tint mixed monster light last year I used everything from WW to CW. Just used emitters I had. It tuned out great, but it lacked some red due to the mix and several de-domed emitters.
When Im doing my 12 XM-L light Ill be doing a more proper mix. Im going to beat the 9 XM-L light in every way.. Packages from IOS are usually fast for me, but currently I don't have enough Noctigons and been waiting a long time for more Noctigons... Still not sure what type of UI ill use though.. Now that Ill done with my contest build that mod will eventually start moving higher on my to mod list.
Toykeeper. I like your focus on tint mixing. Seems like more and more people are getting their eyes up for it now. Ive lost track on how many lights ive done with different mixes. If you have not seen the flashgrenade you should check it out. It can do beam mixing as well. No need for diffuser film.
I don't think Ill be doing more dual beam lights this year. But Ill certainly get back to it. In some ways its a step deeper into the world of tint mixing. Adds even more ways to mix things. Which is both good and interesting depending on the use. :)