My first attempt at cutting up some titanium :disguised_face:
Led4power driver and mosled mcpcb
xpg2 leds guessing around 5000k
A banggood tail switch for the moment but will swap out to a led4power switch when it arrives
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I had intended to knurl the narrow section of body but whilst I was rough cutting thought this looked kinda cool and left it as is. It’s a little uneven but it’s literally the roughing out I was doing. I then added some stripes to the narrow section to blend in. It feels good, I didn’t want a smoothy.
I tried to keep it simple. There is a shelf that the tail switch sits on (sorry didn’t get a pic of that)
Lots of wires for the mosled…
Yes, I know, my soldering hasn’t improved :weary:
The gap you see between the copper and body is intentional, to make it easier to unscrew the body without unscrewing the bezel. I will locktite the bezel shortly so it won’t be a problem in future. I’m thinking of fitting a pocket clip but haven’t decided yet Also thinking of machining some trit slots near the tail but I need to fit the degree wheel to my lathe first.
Heck of a job on your first titanium chipping. The finish looks pretty good. Its even got a lighted tail cap. :+1:
Just food for thought, the Sunwayman V11R and the V10R will both except a lighted tail cap without having to add a bleed resistor.
Very nice pinkpanda3310! Lathing a flashlight out of metal, let alone titanium, is something I could only dream of. Looks like it should be in Star Wars.