This is a bit of a test run or prototype. I want to make another using different leds and hopefully a better design as far as building it and installation. Visually this functions as I had hoped. I ran out of aluminium bar stock but found a bezel from a cheap zoomie kicking around that fit my desired dimensions so that’s why the tail is black (also found another for the front). So a lot of head scratching, screwing around, finding shorts etc… etc… I finally came up with a working design.
I’ve made a Holy Head and even a holy tail before but this one is a Hollow Tail :sunglasses: Seriously I wanted to make the next (better) one before posting this but I can’t wait to show you guys
Lol, it’s all smoke and mirrors as long as the magic smoke stays inside
I haven’t gotten around to ordering the parts I need for the next version but I did refit the ti bezel I made for it. I found a method to blacken the ti but I don’t know how durable it’s going to be.