TK45 clone with XML's

30-35$ would be more tempting.

If this one gets in the mid 30's my trigger finger hits the Buy It now


I’ll be very surprised if it drops to the 30’s. Considering that it’s a large sized torch, with more individually assembled pieces… marerials and labor costs are going to keep the pricing high. I hope I’m wrong.

I have one on the way to me - it must be on the slowest boat from China, ordered it a while ago, if it ever gets here I will chime in with my impressions.

Anyone get one yet? This may be my next light. I have wanted a TK-45 for over a year but couldn’t see the point for mostly floody light this size. At under $50 for a clone, it will satisfy my ‘I want it’ desire.


Did you order from Tmart?

Looking forward to your impression and beamshots!

HI guys, sorry I have been inactive here on BLF lately - I did get the TK45 clone and it’ is fantastic. I also own a real TK45. The clone is much brighter, and functions fine, but my biggest issue with it is the tailcap switch. I would prefer a side switch on a light this size, and on top of that I really like the switching on the real TK45 a lot. The clone is thinner and taller. Sorry for this weak review, I’ll be happy to answer any questions, and will give more feedback on this light once I have some more time. Bottom line - If you don’t mind a tail cap switch on a light this size, get it, you will not be dissapointed, it is very bright my quick estimates are in the 1,500 lumen range. The beam pattern is nice with a strong hot spot and a lot of spill - more spill than the TK45. The tint is cooler than the TK45. —KartRacer31

This looks the business too on KD for you bike riders!

How does the output compare to Trustfire 3T6 or Trustfire J18? How is the finish and detail? Is it glossy and kinda cheap looking?

Sorry I don’t own either of those lights, as for the finish and detail - it is not as flat black as the TK45, and of course the detail is not as fine either. The finish is similar to my UltraFire C2-T60 - or likely all of these X-Fire type of lights. Overall quality is very good for it’s price range. No functional issues yet. One think I don’t like visually can be seen in the second photo in this thread - the caution hot symbol and the UniqueFire logo are not lined up, but that doesn’t affect the function of the light. Overall I’m very happy with it - I wish my real TK45 had this much output.

Now at Manafont for $59.

Still at Tmart for $48 and QualityChinaGoods for $71.40 (price increased on this)

AliExpress no longer carries it.

I ordered the TMart version yesterday and got an email today that’s backordered. I am inclined to wait for it. Has anyone gotten one of these from TMart yet?

Hmmm…looks like I might be forced to conduct my first review for BLF… :slight_smile:

see post #27. Not sure where he bought it from.

Yeah, thanks. I saw that too. Was asking more specifically about the one from TMart. Some of the ones advertised have sleeves for 18650s and some don’t. Not sure how much difference there is between the different branded clones, or if they will all be the same, kind of like the HD2010.

be kool if scaru and others run test on these two like the zebra vs ultrafire :slight_smile:

That WOULD be cool. I will get mine soon - it’s off back order. Not sure I’m up to the challenge of a good enough review if it turns out to be as cool as it sounds. Plus I don’t have the Fenix, so… we shall see.

Tangspower version available at DX for $49.60. Includes double length 18650 battery sleeve to accomodate 2 x 18650.

You said yours has a tail switch, right? Photo looks like there’s a side switch. Weird. The TMart version appears to be the same setup as yours, which is what I was hoping for. About the same price too. Thank you, Hill.