TK's Emisar D4 review

Typically the hotspot and spill have different color temperatures. Blend them together and it will look a bit different. Same average, but different at any single point in the beam.

Color temperature also changes depending on how much power is going through the emitter and how hot it is.

Usually people can get a pretty good idea what to expect based on which mode a light is in, like moon / low / med / high, with known runtimes and outputs. That doesn’t really work with a smooth ramp though.

Some care, some don’t. At the very least, the blink is a reference point to let you know you’re at a specific part of the ramp, and thus have some idea how many lumens it’s making, how much power is being used, and how long the battery will last. Even if it had no channel boundaries, I’d still find it useful to have a blip somewhere in the middle of the ramp.

It doesn’t really need a blink at fully regulated power as twisting the cap is better for getting there, a user selectable blink would be far better for selecting the highest point it doesn’t get too hot or their favourite level etc.

As with most things, compromises are made based on available information at the time. Easy to second guess things well after the fact, and of course 1000 people will have 998 opinions, again after the fact. In the doing of something, there comes a time when a decision is made and it’s agreed to move on…. which is where we are now… moved on and accepting the lights. One could spend their entire life editing and improving, or one can stop at the end of the day and enjoy a break, a glass of wine, loving company… which is where, again, we are now. :wink:

I love this light… so far i got two d4 and one d1. Any chance they will be making 26650 body style? Thanks,

I haven’t heard of any plans to do a 26650 style Emisar light. I think the next one is 3x18650.

You think we will be seeing it before Christmas?

No idea. I’m guessing not, though, because it’d probably need to be up for sale this week in order to arrive in time for the holidays.

I’m back with more XPL HI 1A beams!
Last time the 18350 did great with that tree, today the 18650 with Sony VTC5A…
There are some fogs but it still does great!

Can’t see anything…

Google maps said tree is 67m or 220ft away…. (18650 VTC5A)

Thanks for the beam shots. Curious what you will think about the 3a version. In my opinion warmer lights at so much better in foggy weather.

Last night I had the chance to try my D4 outside! I have to say this is A BEAST of a flashlight!
I know this is supposed to be floody, but I didn’t knew it would illuminate in such a wide and longer range!

Here are some night shots (TK, I hope you don’t mind)!

SPECS: Emisar D4 – XPG2 S4 3D
Temp regulation: 52ºC (no, it wasn’t set in max, so I can imagine how it would perform on 70ºC)
Battery Voltage: 3.8V (no, it wasn’t full)

13 metres

50 metres


75 metres (the small tower out there)

Just sharing :wink:

Nice “real life” shots MascaratumB, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:



Thanks for those beamshots.
They’re great and really show the power of this Emisar D4.

Between the phenomenal power, ergonomics and price point of the Emisar D4 (Thank you Hank!) and the amazing and versatile UI (Thank you Tom E & TK!), this is my new EDC for now and the foreseeable future.
This flashlight is definitely on top of the mountain as an 18650 EDC, and especially in the convertible 18650/18350 configuration.

I haven’t been this excited about a flashlight in a long time :smiley:

Nice shots! These small TIR’s give direction to the light without much spill so however large the hotspot, it does contain almost all of the light, so it travels far. (3000 lumen helps too :D)

Thanks Dale, Biker1- and djozz !!
I was amazed with this light outside! I’ve been using it only inside house and at close range, in urban context, so I was curious to see how it would perform outside, and in “natural” environment.

yuhsin91123’s beamshots are very nice, but being XPL-HI LEDs, they are more throwy. I didn’t expect XPG2 to produce such a wide illumination range, but it has it. Very well done light, this has been my EDC light since I got it.

I also wanted to say that the tint is very good. Outside it shows well the colours (the reds, yellows and greens from the trees’ leaves) even not being a “warm” tint.

Thanks, once again, to all involved in making such a good flashlight :smiley:

And…I guess I’ll be saving to get a new one soon :money_mouth_face: :person_facepalming:
I just can’t get enough :stuck_out_tongue:

This light has ousted my EDC Quark 123^2, and Olight S1 mini. It has many of the things I wanted and needed in a light for EDC, and a few extras. Small enough to hide in the hand. Battery life long enough to be around a few hours and some serious light out put if needed. Needed to have good flood and reach, something the other two struggled with.

I have been mulling over the picking up a second one, and the D1S as well. I think Hank and TK hit this one outa the park.

I should probably mention again that Tom E wrote most of the code, so it’s really a Hank & Tom light, not a Hank & TK light. I just fixed a few things last-minute.

Beam shots are awesome, and yours do a good job showing how it looks in real life. Why would I mind?

Wow thank you so much @MascaratumB! I did not expect XP-G2 can do this well too! Now I REALLY want to get XP-G2 S4 3D (5000k) or 2B (5700k).
I am leaning more toward the S4 3D because of the real life beam shot looks good… but I also have a XP-L HI 3A on the way already…. hmmm maybe 2B is fine too since I don’t mind the XP-L 1A cool white tint…

I think I may have already mentioned it previously in this thread, but the XP-G2 S4 3D is an excellent all-round LED/tint combo IMO. It has a bit of tint shift, but I actually find it desirable.
It’s slightly more warm-ish on lower levels, then gets a little cooler at higher levels (but still very neutral). Looks great outdoors.