TK's Emisar D4V2 review

Hmm, not sure if I found a bug, an exploit, an Easter Egg, a feature, or have I just plain failed to "rtfm".. :|

Ok, so.. basically I guess that all of us around here know that with the Anduril version that's running on this light we have this feature where with the flashlight in lock-out mode, (4 Clicks from Off) if you press the switch you'll get momentary moonlight as long as you keep the button pressed.. as a.. quick and handy emergency operation mode.

Next, we also know that we have two mode group operation modes, Smooth Ramping and Stepped.. So far so good

While having the Ramp configured with the Floor at the min. when the light is locked we'll get min. level of brightness.. Of course, as long as we're not clicking to fast to get 4 Clicks and unlock it by mistake, right.. ?

Basically, as long as we're not unlocking the light, we'll get only the configured Floor level of brightness when pressing and holding the switch. Or so I knew..

Ok, now for some configuring:

Config Smooth Ramping operation mode as a high Floor, let's say around ~ 60 Clicks.. (about half the ramping/brightness) - Configure Ceil to whatever..

After this has been done, 3 Clicks while the light is On to switch to the Stepped operation mode.

Now, config the Stepped operation mode to a low Floor, like 1 Click, the min. should do just fine.. and of course, we do not really care about the Ceil, so either leave it untouched or config as desired.

Next, turn the light Off (still while in Stepped operation mode) and then lock it (4 Clicks) - Press the Switch - No wonder, You'll momentary get the set Floor level of brightness. Which was to be expected.

Now, Double-Click & Hold - Guess What.. ? You'll get the high/er Floor that was previously configured in the Smooth Ramping operation mode.. Yay!..

Basically, Click & Hold - Moonlight, (Stepped operation mode Floor) Double-Click & Hold = whatever you want from Floor all the way up to Ceil! (whatever Floor was set in the Smooth Ramping operation mode)

I guess it might work in reverse as well, switching Smooth Ramping for Stepped operation mode and you'll get a high/er level by Click & Hold and lower by Double-Clicking & Hold..

If this was a feature that I wasn't aware of, then I definitely love it! If not, if it's just a bug, or exploit or whatever, please, do keep it :)


In lockout we now have 2 levels of momentary, the first press and hold gives the lowest output, a click click/hold gives a higher output… still in lockout and still a momentary, just a new option to have a little more than moonlight if desired.

It’s a new feature of Anduril, present on the D4v2. This feature was not present in the initial batch of the Lumintop FW3A (where it still has only 1-brightness level lockout mode), the next batches of FW3A supposedly has the 2-level lockout).

From what I understand, the brightness level for lockout mode depends on the ramp floor of the current chosen mode (eg. stepless or stepped). The other brightness level (double-click/hold, while in lockout mode) is based on the ramp floor of the other mode.

It will use the ramp floor for the current ramping mode for single-click and the ramp floor of the other ramping mode for double-click/hold.

Let’s assume the we’ve configured ramp floor for stepless ramping to be 1 lumen, and ramp floor for stepped ramping to be 10 lumens.

When the flashlight is last set to stepless ramping, then do a lockout; a single-click will be 1 lumen, and dual-click is the 10 lumens.
However, when we set the flashlight to stepped ramping, then do a lockout; the single-click will be 10 lumens, and dual-click is 1 lumen.

The 2-level lockout brightness is fairly recent. Many of the previously released Anduril flashlights don’t have it.
But the later ones usually do. (eg. Astrolux MF01S has the 2-level lockout, but the Astrolux EC01 still has the 1-level lockout, meaning it likely uses an older version of Anduril)

I was thinking.. too many things just fell into place for this to be a bug or something.. Anduril never ceases to surprise me :)


I’ve also updated the firmware again to help make it a bit safer when carried unlocked. If the button stays pressed too long while the light is at or above its ceiling level, it ramps back down to the floor and stays there. So when the button gets stuck for some reason, it’ll only be at the highest level for a few seconds.

There’s a place to change it in the firmware, but you’d have to compile and flash a custom build.

This is fairly easy to do though, if you have Hank’s flashing adapter. And it can be fun customizing things to be exactly how you like.

If people in general think it should be lower though, perhaps we can get the default changed.

Yes, everything they sell is fixed. Mtn stopped accepting orders as soon as the issue was found, then updated their entire stock as soon as the fix was available. As far as I’m aware, it is not possible to buy a non-fixed D4v2 any more, and hasn’t been for months.

I would suggest to limit "max muggle ramp" to 100% regulated current. Bright enough and the light doesn't get too hot which might scare the muggles.

Is there a new version of Anduril for the D4v2 where the light ramps down if the switch is held down too long? If so, which version has this new safety feature. A link would be appreciated.

Where exactly is that handled? I can’t find it in the source and my light (compiled about two weeks ago from the fsm branch) does not ramp down when I keep the button pressed.



Should be this one as it is not in 2019-08-05:



Thanks. Im not so compuer savy to be able to read the code to figure out whether this contains the down ramp on hold change that TK was talking about. If so, I wonder if there are any other improvements in this firmware update?

Addendum: I just reflashed one of my D4v2 lights with the 2019-8-28 firmware. Apparently, this is NOT the firmware that ramps down the light with the switch held down. At least, mine didn’t after holding the switch on the ceiling ramp for 2 minutes and the light being quite hot. I really dont see any obvious differences with this new firmware.

Right, sorry, the safety ramp-down is brand new and not published yet. A version check function is also brand new and not published yet. They’re things I’m hoping will be available soon.

So what is new in the 19-8-28 firmware? I don’t see anything obvious.

D4S V2 wasn’t included in the 08-05 builds, since it wasn’t public at the time. When it became public, I added a build to the collection.

The others weren’t updated at the same time since nothing significant had changed.

I am not understanding quite what you are saying. Most of us with the early DV2s reflashed with 19-08-05, primarily to fix the muggle bug. So that wasn’t an official D4v2 version, while the 19-08-28 is? Yet, both versions are the same?

D4S V2 is not the same light as D4 V2. One has an “S”, one does not.

In chronological order, Emisar lights include:

  • D4
  • D1
  • D1S
  • D4S
  • D18
  • D4 V2
  • D4S V2

… and Hank also recently leaked that he’s working on a D1S V2.

I’m not entirely sure what the “S” means, but each “S” light is more throwy than the similar model without the “S”.

I think it means “supersized”. :slight_smile:

This is a good bet. The D4S uses a 26650 instead of an 18650 so it is fatter. The D1S has a bigger reflector than the D1 making it a bit larger overall.

Oops! Sorry I didnt notice that when somebody posted that 19-8-28 hex file. I hope that that file for the D4Sv2 is the same one as was written on 19-08-04 for the D4v2, because my D4v2 is now flashed with the file for the D4Sv2. LOL

Oops, sorry :person_facepalming:

Does it work somehow?