I think the only difference would be if the D4S had more 7135 chips that ramp would not be optimal and maybe the light would not step down as fast for thermals but otherwise I suspect nearly identical.
No, they’re not the same. There are hardware differences in the drivers. One is a FET+1, the other is a FET+3+1. There are other differences too, but that’s the main one. Running D4Sv2 firmware on a D4v2 would be like putting a 3-armed person’s brain in someone with only 2 arms. When they try to use their imaginary third arm to open a door while carrying a big box, it won’t work.
Running D4Sv2 firmware on a D4v2 would be like putting a 3-armed person’s brain in someone with only 2 arms. When they try to use their imaginary third arm to open a door while carrying a big box, it won’t work.
The D4v2 seemed to work ok for the little time I used the D4S v2 firmware in it. At least it didn’t burn up. I have since flashed it back to the 19-08-05 D4v2 software.
I would say instead of ramping back down, if switch kept pressed longer than 2 seconds after the end of ramp has been reached, simply power the light off.
Also would be nice to have Moonlight locked, at least as an option, instead of continuing to ramp up from Off. Or at least have about a second or two delay before the ramping starts.
Also, another UI feature I can't get used to, no matter how much I'm using Anduril or for how long, it's Double-Click to get back from Turbo. For whatever reason my brain just remained hardwired to Double-Click for Turbo and then 1 Click to return. Only in this case, I always end up shutting off the light.
Please don’t. Love those short response times. Just enough to release the button before ramping starts, but still not too long to make you look at the wrist-watch before it eventually begins.
I have no plans to remove “1-click off”… especially in turbo. On such a hot light, I don’t want people to have to touch it any longer than necessary to turn it off when it’s burning hot.
However, it might work to use a hold action to activate a momentary turbo function. Then just let go to return. 1H and 2H are already used for ramping though, so it’d have to be 3H. I’m not sure if that’s short enough to be useful.
As an avid Anduril user with over 16 lights running this UI those suggestions stink. Sorry, but that’s the truth of it. When it ain’t broke, don’t fix it….