I talked to Tmart and they couldn’t care less that they false advertised the light, and wouldn’t send return postage without a photo to prove they sent me a sub par piece of crap.
So much for customer service, an XML is not a round crap emitter.
XML is a square die, with a dome, obvious to anybody with half a brain.
If you get a crappy flat round LED emitter from Tmart, it is not XML
I've seen these shipping mistakes before, pretty frequently actually. Give them an opportunity to fix the problem. Yes, its a pain in the a$$ but we all have to deal with it at some point. I've learned to deal with it instead off going off ballistic, which I have found gets me nowhere.
They will take care of it for you, be patient.
Why don't you post some pictures of what they sent you here.
So you think that MrTmart put the light in the package himself? More likely Tmart never saw the light, they just told a warehouse to send sku number to X address. Chances are the listing just shows what a manufacturer tells them.
The picture is so they know you are not just trying to get a second light free. Think for a second how often that MIGHT happen. Asking for a picture is far from onerous. Im sure if you walked into a dept store where you live complaining about an item you bought they would expect the unit in question for inspection, and likely a receipt. That requires you to get in/on a car/bus/taxi/train/tuktuk/thongs/tricycle and go to said store. Their request requires you to take a pic, email it and wait a day or two.
Do you not have PayPal protection to use?
Go through the process with a tad of reasonableness and you might get your money back, or keep pissing in the wind. Its your choice. But thanks for the heads up regarding the emitter, will save people some hassle. Do people still buy these (apart from the OP)?
Yeah, obviously as soon as you tell a retailer something is wrong, they should immediately apologise, give you a refund, let you keep the wrong light and send you the right one (preferably by DHL).
Oh, and also send a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers for the trouble.
you seem to be new to the cheap china ordering thing…
of course you should get what you order, but when that’s not the case you need to give them a chance to correct their error. that chance takes some time though, and can be very frustrating.
deal with them like with kids, explain even the obvious and keep your messages on a VERY basic english level.
No I’m not new to the China thing, have ordered plenty and I know there is a little language barrier, but when you get treated like crap it is what it is.
Youre a tad delusional. No one posting in this thread so far, works for Tmart. I doubt Tmart have an actively posted from account here.
You are wrong. Not by expecting to get the thing you ordered, but with the idea you should not be required to demonstrate that they did not deliver. ie: send them a picture. No one here doubts you got the wrong thing, youre not the first, wont be the last, and its not just Tmart.
Do you really think the dude(s) packing orders knows one LED from another? LOL. They sell everything from tacky Christmas trimmings to sex toys to kids toys to clothing to jewellery to god knows what. Seriously, the people processing these barely have time to scratch themselves, let alone make sure the torch they are about to pack has the right LED in it. Shit is going to happen, get over it and start working with the method of dealing with it. They have offered you a method, take the pic and send it. If they refuse still, then you might have a point.
I have had this kind of thing happen with DX, Amazon, EBay and probably others. It took me over a year to get one straightened out with DX.
My brother got some SK68 type lights with those “cheap round” emitters. They were called Q5’s on the site he bought them from. From where I don’t know.
What has happened here probably has happened to most everyone, both vendors and customers. How each vendor AND customer handles it is what distinguishes the good from the bad.
Storemen that know what every item they pick from a part number is. Well theres a new one. I'll have to make that suggestion to work. Could be onto something here.
The 501B’s use P60 drop-ins so Tmart may send you the correct one rather than sending you return postage costs or an outright refund - whatever they (and other companies) will not do anything until you send them photos of the problem.
You may as well say not to buy from any online company as to say not to buy from Tmart because they have sold you something that is not 100% as advertised - it happens with every company on occasion.
Can’t wait to see the pictures - haven’t seen a P60 with a “round crap emitter” before.