Seems as though SS tailcap is included with it by default now.

I heard SS tail cap was a special request by one of their vendor. Let me ask if they are making more of that.

Thanks. If they can do it, I'll buy a ROT66 when they sell it next week with the XPL Hi. Maybe it looks better in real, but the alu tail cap looks out of place to me when there is a nice SS bezel up front.

In person the inconsistencies between aluminum tailcap and ss bezel aren’t as obvious as in pictures, but to me there’s no question the SS tailcap looks better.

Maybe not a deal breaker then, but if I can get it, I would really prefer the SS tailcap.

I received my ROT66 nichia last friday without problem, all it’s perfect, thank you freeme for this GB :+1:

Are they doing this? I thought they stopped selling the xpl hi.

SS Tailcap Option removed because Item Description now reads - “Stainless Steel bezel; Stainless Steel tail”.

Seems it now comes standard, good move.

Yes :smiley:

On my last order they said SS tail cap now included

My first run aluminum tailcap will become a collector’s item :party:

Couldn’t resist the 95cri, plus I don’t have an sst20 light yet and I want to know what my d4s should’ve looked like with ice blue LEDs instead of the aqua ones that came in it. And now the wait begins…

In post # 507 they said they will start selling it next week.

Oh yeah. With them switching to sst20 I just assumed they stopped all xpl hi production.

They never did say what their solution was.

I’m starting to get a little nervous now about my replacement ROT66. I sent my defective light to Vinh, which he received last thursday. I got one email from Jacky on Friday acknowledging that he was aware that Vinh had received my defective light and that they would be sending me a new light. But so far no notice that they’ve actually shipped my new light. I’ve emailed Jacky a couple of times, but haven’t heard anything back since Friday. He had been responding very quickly to my emails up until now.

Jacky, if you’re following this thread, can you please let me know what’s going on with my replacement light? :question:

I was told they will use a thicker gasket.

Do you know what they’re calling a gasket?

From my understanding of the design, the lens sits directly on the MCPCB.

There is no gasket in which they can alter the thickness of. Maybe they are adding a gasket?

Maybe they will add a gasket under the bezel so that it can’t be tightened down so far.

First, I do hope that you will get your replacement light as soon as possible.

But perhaps Jacky is experiencing what Neal also had to go through several times: doing stuff is alright, even making things right for people is ok, but the obligation to communicate about it all the time in the correct way at the right time is a real challenge. And once you forget to write one obligatory email, people will bombard you with dozens of them, which makes the inclination of ignoring them all very probable.

Perhaps you should give him a break, they just started a business that is going very well so I’m sure that comes with a lot of stuff that they never imagined they’d have to do, I’m sure they are busy. You did send an email with a question and sofar it seems that Fireflies is really wanting to solve any issues. Give them a chance to be less than perfect.

Yes, we all have to be patient. They were not working on the weekend so you can expect silence then. Right now they are in bed asleep. They might be focused on finding solutions, working with Vinh, testing new emitters, etc… they may not have enough time in the day to answer all their emails. I don’t even have any idea how many employees work for Fireflies. They may be a small group who multitask a lot of things.

I’m totally in agreement with everything you said. I’m only concerned because up until now he had been responding almost immediately whenever I contacted him. And for the very reasons you mentioned, I have NOT been bombarding him with emails. I waited since Friday, which was the last time we exchanged emails, and only finally emailed him once last night for an update. I have no doubt that I will get my light and I have no doubts about them making a good product, I love the good ROT66 that I have (I ordered 2). I only expressed my concern because in my experience with Jacky so far, it’s very uncharacteristic for him not to respond to my emails. I’m sure they are very busy with all the recent changes to this light, the new emitter options, getting the XPL-Hi issues fixed, making the SS tailcap standard, etc. In addition to the point you mentioned about all the work that goes with starting up a new business. Not to beat a dead horse though, I only got concerned because it’s unlike him not to at least respond to my email. That’s all. I’m just impatient… :blush: