Trustfire MiniX $15.70 on AliExpress
(normal price is $18)
Flash deal ends Oct 5, 2021, 11:59 PM PT
There are two coupons for $1 off, but you can only use one coupon at a time.
(The coupon brings it down to $15.70)
Some are available in [white light and UV light], some in [white light and red light.]
(It depends on the exterior color.)
I ordered one.
October 1, 2021, 12:37pm
Finally you did! Congrats.
Ooh, it comes in purple
And not just any old purple. It’s “Luxury purple”
Subtotal US $16.70
Store Coupons -US $1.00
Total US $17.00
Hmmm…. Aliexpress math is different from what I learned in school. The $1 discount raises the price
Ordered one anyway. I like purple and that will look good clipped onto my laptop backpack.
Yeah, mine was $15.70, but I got charged $16.92
I just figured it was because of sales tax that everyone around the world seems to collect now.
October 2, 2021, 1:10am
“Luxury purple”
that;s the one i have
it is pretty nice
VERY small
i love small
hate the ui, long clicks for on and off, short clicks for level change
but that is all it does besides UV or red aux LED
you have to pick between UV and red, you do not get both
October 2, 2021, 1:49am
Long press for on and off… Gonna be a no from me bro.
Nice look and nice price tho
I don’t generally like the long press on/off, but this light will be clipped onto my backpack, where it will get banged against things, so the long press should help with accidental activation. I hope.
Common Core math. :person_facepalming:
October 2, 2021, 12:51pm
Has anyone had one apart? Wonder if the emitters are swappable without a degree in rocket surgery
October 2, 2021, 9:46pm
doubt it is worth it to swap emitters
prob cannot get it apart, then the thing may be potted or whatever as well
October 3, 2021, 8:00am
I see no non-destructive ways to open it.
This might be another TF light using LEDs from Genesis Photonics, so it might be difficult to find a replacement LED. I tried to get their NW CRI80 LEDs to no avail. If someone has a source, I’ll be all ears.
It’s a nice looking light but I don’t understand what makes it different than the many similar rectangular lights that are also out there. As for getting it open: maybe a heat gun around the edges to soften the adhesive holding the ends in? I think if I went to such trouble I’d want to rebuild it completely though, rather than just swapping leds.
1. It has a metal body instead of an easy to damage plastic body.
2. It has easy to access lockout.
3. It's inexpensive.
(These three points are what I'm looking for.)
Take all three of those points into account, and there isn't much competition out there.
Some RovyVon keychain flashlights are also very good, but they need to be at a pretty good discount to be considered "inexpensive."
October 3, 2021, 8:14am
It’s a nice looking light but I don’t understand what makes it different than the many similar rectangular lights that are also out there. As for getting it open: maybe a heat gun around the edges to soften the adhesive holding the ends in? I think if I went to such trouble I’d want to rebuild it completely though, rather than just swapping leds.
What would you want to improve? It’s tiny, bright, high capacity, temp regulated, budged priced, has easy and fast soft lockout. Hard to imagine there’s something not to like.
I recently won a TrustFire Minix and have been asked to show it, which I’ll gladly do.
Fig. above, left to right: Nitecore TIP CRI 2017, TrustFire Minix, Fitorch K3 lite
The Minix is a keychain light with a 300 mAh battery and up to 320 lm. It is available in two versions each with a white (5700 K) and either a red (620 nm) or an ultraviolet (365 nm) LED. I like both versions for their use value: The red LED can be used as a beacon while th…
Unheard knows what I'm talking about!
October 3, 2021, 4:57pm
I don’t generally like the long press on/off, but this light will be clipped onto my backpack, where it will get banged against things, so the long press should help with accidental activation. I hope.
a. does not have a clip
b. will never accidentally activate, because
long press required and
pressure is fairly substantial