Tryin to figure things out.......

Maybe ‘someone’ could start a thread of which “New Forum” features they like best… it would be a good way for folks to discover features… and that would be one less thing for the “Boss” to do. :beer: :partying_face:

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All the threads with the “issues” should be merged, and and then should be way better to have a pinned thread with all the features, links, important replys… etc… so everyone can find them… ! I like the new format and i think it’s way better from the previous… probably simply some members they have to get use on the new one ! Just my opinion… !

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Agreed, I’ll try to do that soon.

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Hmmm… I clicked on the mobile icon to see what it would do… now I cant get the sidebar back. Im on a desktop :see_no_evil: Still lookin

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I figured it out.
when you go to mobile mode from the sidebar on a desktop it removes the sidebar but gives you the menu option at the top right and when you click on that the sidebar will appear again with the desktop option at the bottom… nice option if you dont need the sidebar

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