【TS10 Max】TS10 Max available now on wurkkos brand day with dark blue oxidize

Hi Guys, Max is on process ,what do you expert for it?
The basic specification are :
Triple 519A LEDs
Real RGB included
18650 version

The two picture with different clip type, which one better?

18 Thanks

This looks great. I would love to see Anduril. I’m a fan of deeper pocket clips than what you have here. An optional 18350 tube would also be a great addition.

And please make a copper version!!!

4 Thanks

18350 tube~~Imagine it’s a bit cute toy :grinning:

8 Thanks

That’s the idea :sunglasses:

Definitely the attachment method of the 2nd clip, Maybe sell deep carry clip as an extra that attaches the same way as the 2nd clip.
Is there any info on the driver in this light?

9 Thanks

I love this!
I prefer the non 2way clip.
Also that tailcap has to go, it reminds me of a Garden Hose!
Other than the tailcap, it looks beautiful!
Much nicer than the TS10.

About the clip design, i vote for #1 style clip, AKA the legacy TS10/HD10 clip style. The tail cap will most likely be non removable, and this makes repositioning and removing the #2 style clip a problem . Making the tail cap removable could solve this problem but then there’s the problem of unreliable inner tube contact. The clearance required for reliable inner tube contact could make the #2 style clip loose, which is another problem. It looks nicer than #1 design but that’s it. The #1 style clip is better from the manufacturing standpoint. Just don’t send the lights with the clip already attached.

4 Thanks

another tail

7 Thanks

Not a fan of the tailcap. The scalloped TS10 tailcap looks far better, and is a little faster/easier to machine as it only takes a few small swipes from a ball-nosed end mill instead of a lot of passes.

As for the clip, #1 by a long shot as that captive clip tends to cause a lot of problems with tailswitch lights. It might be wise to have both single-side and double-side clips available as there’s a lot of folks who find the double-sided more useful while a rather vocal group feels that double-sided clips are Evil Incarnate.

2 Thanks

I’m less of a fan of this tail.
I also much prefer the head on the first one.

1 Thank

Neither is great. Combine the two make it captive like second pic but deeper carry like first pic.

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Dear Wurkkos, please work with loneoceans to develop a TS10 Max with an efficient driver with the Anduril 2 UI.

22 Thanks

I like the #1 tailcap design better. The #1 tailcap design with the #1 head design (V1 TS10 full titanium head design) and #1 style clip combination carries a significant resemblance with the TS22 design, which I find quite pleasing.

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As much as i like the screw on clip, im not sure how well it’ll work here since its an electronic switch on the tail. For anduril with eswitches on the tail, im sure you know that the tail needs to be on TIGHT. Thats why you glued it on the regular ts10, So im 99% sure that its gonna be glued here too (sidenote, thats why i think going with the regular ts10 tailcap style would work better, like what jerv said. Not like you’ll remove the tailcap anytime soon)

So if the clip is on the tailcap, and its glued, fuck you if you wanna take off the clip for whatever reason. I think its better to have a friction fit clip like on the current ts10 to make things easier for everyone

2 Thanks

Both Lumintop FW series and Noctigon KR series made/make it work with tail e-switch.

4 Thanks


Clip 2. About the rest i don’t mind. Can i get the tech drawing that dimensions the curvature on the body? I want to engrave it :innocent:

1 Thank

Looks good!

Same size as a KR4. Nice. That dark blue color or a MAO would be nice too!

Put a decent driver in there and flashing pins. PLEASE Terry!!!

It will sell very well if so.

4 Thanks

I prefer the 2nd tail with the 1st head. And as someone else mentioned, MAO and Blue Please :slight_smile:

I don’t like both of these clips.