TS10 mod thread. Post yours!

Yes, I remember the post.

I was more wondering if the measurement of depth between the shelf and the shoulder the bezel sits on was correct, but I guess future me can figure that out.

I’m guessing that a 519a and W1 would die from the FET current? I might be forced to go with a CSLPM1 for max throw.

I was also worried about too much current for a W1 so I didn’t try it. You can limit the max current in Anduril but where’s the fun in that? I tried a W2 and it was fine. Personally I’m not interested in a single 519A anyway now that I have a couple of @MasterNate 's triple 3535 boards. Plus, if I’m using a single LED in this light I want maximum throw, which isn’t a 519A.

I did try a T2 bezel and reflector. I recall the fit was ok, but perhaps not perfect. I gave up on it because I found a TIR that works and I knew I would want aux LEDs (so no reflector).

My next step is that custom brass bezel I mentioned. It will be the same diameter as stock but it can be deeper than the T2/SP10 bezels. I’m waiting on more TIRs to arrive and hopefully one will be deeper and work well for a pocket thrower.

I suggest trying out the single. I think a TS10 pocket thrower is really cool! Mine needs some improvement but the extra throw is noticeable. It’s a fun light.

The catch is that this driver being only regulated at low current, can’t do that. At higher modes it is just PWM. Good to know the W2 works fine though, that’s probably what I’ll go with

519a DD is surprisingly throwy though, I have a Emisar D1 set up that way and it gets over 40kcd.

Worst case I can probably just sand down the reflector slightly so that all the threads and O-ring are covered, but I hope it won’t be needed. Do you know if the length is the same between the SP10 and T2 bezels?

Buckle up, lots of measurements and rambling incoming.

Caveats, I only have an SP10 Pro so I’m not 100% certain it’s the same dimensions as the regular SP10. I have both a T2 and T3. I only have the T3 bezel handy, but I have both reflectors and they’re identical so I would assume bezels are the same.

SP10 Pro bezel is 17.3mm outside, about 14mm inside (including glass and o-ring). Reflector is 11.8mm with 6.6mm opening.

T2/T3 bezel is 15.8mm outside, 14.1mm inside (to o-ring). Lose another 1mm for glass lens, if used. Reflector is 12.1mm with a 5mm opening.

Keep in mind the TS10 shelf is higher in relation to where the base of the bezel sits. So you lose some space due to that, i.e. you dont get the full bezel depth. From the shelf to the inner lip of the head is 4.9mm. From that lip to where the base of the bezel screws down is 8.2mm, so you need to discount 3.3mm from inside bezel dimensions.

I’ll test these measurements with my TS10 single TIR. SP10 bezel should have 14mm minus 3.3mm = 10.7mm inner space available. I’m using a 1.5mm board, a 1mm centering ring (to get the focus right), and an 8.45mm TIR = 10.95mm of space used. There’s a very slight gap at the base of the bezel so I’d say that all checks out.

By my calcs there’s not enough room by several mm using the SP10 bezel and reflector. I know I tried something like that but I don’t remember the details. Maybe there was a big gap when screwing down the bezel and I ignored it as a proof of concept (I guess I was mistaken in my reply above about testing the T2 bezel and reflector since that would take up even more space).

I’m afraid the thrower idea comes down to a space problem. The SP10 bezel is the deepest that I know of with the right threads. We only have about 9mm to work with before the bezel gap gets too big. That’s part of the reason why I’m making a brass bezel that can be deeper (plus it will look cool). I want to use a 20mm TIR that’s about 12.5mm in height.

Here is the TIR I used (sanded the diameter slightly. 8.45mm in height.

2 Thanks

Someone asked about tint mixing…
Why not tint mix with the lattice power CSP LEDs? They are a bit tricky because of size, but they look great, are cheap and with a 3000k, 4000k, and 6000k option, and 3 LEDs per host, there are lots of options. Mixing should always lower duv.

From Post 11:
Brass with 1x3000k and 2x4000k main LEDs and Yellow Aux.
3800k, -0.0012 duv, 95 CRI (on opple 3) Top of Ramp
3865k, -0.0044 duv, 95.2 CRI Turbo

Silver w/ 1x3000k and 2x6000k main LEDs and Pink Aux
4900k, -0.0032 duv, 95 CRI Top of Ramp
5100k, -0.0057 duv, 95.4 CRI Turbo

Pick your CCT (quick calcs based on my OPPLE readings):
3300 3x3000k
3550 2x3000k+1x4000k
3800 1x3000k+2x4000k
4150 3x4000k
4300 2x3000k+1x6000k
4500 1x3000k+1x4000k+1x6000k
4750 2x4000k+1x6000k
5000 1x3000k+2x6000k
5500 1x4000k+2x6000k
6300 3x6000k


2 Thanks

Did a coupel TiCuTs10s with 519a emitters and custom aux board.

One is 519a 2700k with all pink aux, one for each channel, I love the light show you get when its on color cycling mode.

The other is 519a 2x2700k 1x5700k with red white and blue aux.

Tint mix 2x2700k 1x5700k


Videos of the aux lights

6 Thanks

Mad Science :wink:
congrats on your custom board mods :beer:
and your custom bezels… lol
very fitting for a guy with a CUte pair of TiTS10 :wink:

1 Thank

Shhh, don’t wake up the raccoon!

1 Thank

Zebralight H52 clip? Very cool. I happen to have one of those lying around with a very painfully cold emitter. I’d no idea that the clip is compatible with the TS10.

It is my favorite for the TS10. Though I think the supply has run out. I can’t find them on sale anymore. NKON seemed to be the last to have them, but no more. A shame.

1 Thank

I just can’t see spending more for the clip than the price of the flashlight, TBA. Lowest I see right now is $25. WTH?

more clip options

2 Thanks

I paid under $4 each for the three that I got. Plus shipping and tax. So maybe $5 per clip total.

Where did you see them for $25 ? Last I searched, including NKON, I could not find any, anywhere.

Supply and demand ???


Typical Ebay seller… Find something discontinued and attempt to sell it for some ridiculous price…
If people want something bad enough, you make lots of money.

Well not for me… not on this little clip. Just glad I picked up some when I did.

2 Thanks

I did mine using the T3 Ti bezel and as you said, the space is very limited. The optics are sitting bare on it, that’s the only way i could get the bezel to fully screw down. SP40a TIR is the only suitable optic for it, everything else is too tall.

1 Thank

I’m glad it worked out! What emitter did you use? How are you liking it?

:smile:thanks man. Im very happy with these little guys…

1 Thank

Who, me? :thinking:

Thanks, Jon.

Every 6 months, OLight runs a special where people who ordered within the past year can get a free mini flashlight (like an i1R2) for just standard shipping ($5). The clips are always sold out at that time. I wonder if they do it on purpose.